Judas Priest: Redeemer of Souls

I haven't noticed that, but I've only gone through the album once. I'd say that it's definitely one of the pitfalls of using real gear and that if they ever had to say, record different takes at different studios and re-set the kit, etc the record would never sound the same. You could use the same kit, same mics, try your best to reposition everything, but it's never going to sound exactly like the previous takes. Personally, I think everything sounds pretty good, but maybe I need to go through it a few more times. While I like the record, it's wayyy too long so I probably won't be listening to it too often.
I listened to Redeemer Of Souls a couple of times now, and it left me thinking a few things....

1- Priest is in desperate need of a proper producer. The songs aren't horrible, but they are in need of some outside input to keep them from sounding/feeling stale. Look at what Jacob Hansen has done with Pretty Maids...the songs still sound like Maids, but there's enough tweaking going on that they sound fresher and a bit more updated. Priest needs this badly. Besides, I find it annoying when each song has a different guitar/drum/vocal sound....makes the final product sound a little bit on the amateur side, which is weird for a band that's been around for 40 years.

2- I miss KK.

3-I actually found myself enjoying the bonus songs (except for Never Forget) more than the actual album tracks.They didn't seem quite as formulaic....less heavy, but more interesting.

4- Halford's high range is shot, and he sometimes came across as sounding a little tired and (no....don't say it!)....old. It was bound to happen sooner or later. There were some really good spots, though.

Over all.....not bad, but not overly great either. I think I'd rank it last out of the reunion albums. Who knows...my thoughts could change after more listens.

I agree with all of that.
I'm a fan but never been a HUGE fan, Iron Maiden will always be the band of the 80's era for me. However I have all of their albums but the Ripper ones. Let me give some stats: Rob Halford - 62, soon to be 63, Glenn Tipton - 66, 60 freakin' 6!, soon to be 67, Ian Hill - 63. Now what the hell do people expect from guys in their 60's? Sad Wings of Destiny? British Steel? Screaming for Vengeance? Painkiller? Give it a rest already. They're not going to create any of those again. Now having said that, I think this is a really good album, very 70's at times. Dragonaut kicks ass! I hope they open with it. Are some of the songs cheesy or whatever at times? Hell yes. But when has Priest not been this way? This is the best since Painkiller, better than Angel of Retribution, and for sure Nostradamus. I don't know much input Richie had, but if he did then I say good job for helping inject new life into a band that was supposedly retiring. And for the the older members to put out something of quality at their age then I say kudos for having me singing along like it was 1985 again. Welcome back Priest.
After one listen via Spotify, I can see why there are so many varied views. I found myself in the same boat... sometimes I was like "Yeah...that's cool", then I was like "Am I listening to Halford's 'Made of Metal' instead?" then I was like "this would be 100% better if the guitars had balls", then I was like "Rob still sounds great, but playing it safe". It reminds me of the Turbo days when they were trying to stay relevant to the times. They have a tendency to swing like a pendulum with their records.... Nostradamus was full-on concept album, so the response to that is short, 4-5 minute standard rock tunes. I'm glad they're still putting out product, I just don't think this one will have the staying power. Their library is tough to live up to, just so many great records. But, I agree wholeheartedly that they need somebody to give the overall mix some backbone.....this one and Nostradamus are tough listens compared to some of the sonic masterpieces they have given us in the past, IMHO.
I'm not gonna lie, I've not heard every Saxon album, but I'd be surprised if they had one as good as even Turbo (okay maybe that's stretching it). I even saw them do two of their "classic" albums on the first 70000 tons cruise. Pretty boring to me. But hey that's my opinion, and even though the thread is about JP, the point is that if you're a hardcore Saxon fan (or any band in their 60's) that you can't expect them at their age to make Denim and Leather, Strong Arm of the Law, British Steel, etc., or whatever is considered the best in a band's discography.
I'm not gonna lie, I've not heard every Saxon album, but I'd be surprised if they had one as good as even Turbo (okay maybe that's stretching it). I even saw them do two of their "classic" albums on the first 70000 tons cruise. Pretty boring to me. But hey that's my opinion, and even though the thread is about JP, the point is that if you're a hardcore Saxon fan (or any band in their 60's) that you can't expect them at their age to make Denim and Leather, Strong Arm of the Law, British Steel, etc., or whatever is considered the best in a band's discography.

Setting aside your obviously impaired judgment (I kid, I kid), the the stuff Saxon is releasing these days is as good as the old stuff. Same with Pretty Maids, though they're obviously not quite as old.
Setting aside your obviously impaired judgment (I kid, I kid), the the stuff Saxon is releasing these days is as good as the old stuff. Same with Pretty Maids, though they're obviously not quite as old.

Uriah Heep is still kicking ass for a bunch of oldsters....same with Deep Purple. I would also include ZZ Top and Cheap Trick as old bands still producing good stuff, though they aren't metal. I do give Priest a lot of credit for staying heavy at their age....it can't be easy for bands like them and Sabbath to try and sound youthful and energetic after doing it for so long.
Uriah Heep is still kicking ass for a bunch of oldsters....same with Deep Purple. I would also include ZZ Top and Cheap Trick as old bands still producing good stuff, though they aren't metal. I do give Priest a lot of credit for staying heavy at their age....it can't be easy for bands like them and Sabbath to try and sound youthful and energetic after doing it for so long.

Heep definitely still has the fire live, but their newer albums - good as they are - just don't compare to the old stuff.
Heep definitely still has the fire live, but their newer albums - good as they are - just don't compare to the old stuff.

True....Heep's new stuff isn't as bottom heavy as their classic work, but it's almost more energetic. It's missing the almost doomy feel of the old tunes. Whenever I listen to Avatarium, I can't help but think of old Heep.

Priest, Saxon and Heep....now that would be a fun tour!
My opinion on new Priest.

Some good songs dragged down by bad production. Why is the guitar sound so dull and muddy? Also there are quite a few boring tunes. The songs I like are Redeemer of Souls, March of the Damned, Halls of Vallhalla, Cold Blooded, Battle Cry, Beginning of the End.

Songs which bore me or pass by without much fanfare are Dragonaut, Sword of Damocles, Down in Flames, Hell & Back, Metalizer, Crossfire, Secrets of the Dead.

From the bonus songs I like Tears of Blood. Should have been on the main album. Creatures is OK. Never Forget is very cool and emotional. Probably about the band ending.

I don't like Snakebite and Bring it on. So it's an ok album even good but not amazing but is there an excuse for such a dull sound in this day and age for a big band like Priest?
Priest is by far my favorite band, but I'm truly disappointed in this release. I really liked Dragonaut. Redeemer of Souls grew on me. After that, there's really nothing memorable. Hell, even those songs I mentioned are nothing compared to what they've done in the past. Time to hang it up boys, and I hate to say that.
I don't know, Firebreath's comments are fair but I've grown to like it, production issues aside I think it's probably the best you could expect from guys at this stage in their career; with Priest the bar is set so high it's really impossible to live up to expectations but realistically we knew we weren't going to get another STAINED CLASS, HELL BENT FOR LEATHER, SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE or DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH...

For me it's a great Priest album. 32 years of listening to this band who only disappoint when a tour doesn't come near me. Crossfire is probably my favourite track. Such a nice Rocka Rolla vibe. Great in the car and even better at home! Just listen and enjoy. :worship:

"Crossfire" is a cool track, BUT...when I first heard it start up, I thought Priest was swiping "I", from Sabbath's Dehumanizer disc. It seems a lot of Sabbath-isms are creeping into the last few Priest releases.