Jump Little Children anyone?

Originally posted by Mariner
they are, because they are badly raised up.

Exactlly!! I always thought that I don´t like kids till I realized that it´s actually the mothers (well I should say parents.. but in Switzerland the mothers raise the kids in about 95% of families). I don´t think it´s ok to hit the kids but they should learn to show respect. And learn to behave. Like not to scream around in the bus, not tearing other peoples hair, let the people get out of the bus before running in, not throwing the stuff around.. You see I go through a nightmare everytime I get into a bus :mad:
Mostly I would really like to say the kid to stop and to keep quieter but then the other people would look at you like you had tried to kill it.
When a friend of mine got pregnant the first time I was going to all the "pre-birth" courses with her because her husband had to work. What I heard there was awful!! They teah the becomingparents there to ignore their kids when they´re doing some shitty stuff and to turn off their brains so they (the parents) wouldn´t get too nervous... Well who cares if you or your kids go on other peoplen nerves...
Now I need some sedative :rolleyes: :lol:
you should see some of the kids round our way..most of 'em are good kids but just a little wild. but some of 'em know now one will dare go near them so they can do what they like..and their parents don't give a fuck
one ten year old hurled an iron bar at my head a few years back cos I told em not to be writing on walls

kids that are maybe eight will tell you fuck off when you tell them to get off the roof someones car ....its kinda funny to see the look of shock on their faces when you put your boot to their arses..little bastards should be culled.
I like kids..... I'd like to have 7, 5 girls and 2 boys.... and I'm not joking. The only problem is that it would be very difficult to provide everything needed for such a big family!
Originally posted by Mariner
To be honest I like kids (sorry Speakingstone, Mehdi and Bambi :)

:eek: well, well..we're having a traitor here, eh..?! damn you!!

Originally posted by Bambi
kids that are maybe eight will tell you fuck off when you tell them to get off the roof someones car ....its kinda funny to see the look of shock on their faces when you put your boot to their arses..little bastards should be culled.

Yup. I ain't that sure if gettin rid of capital punishment was such a good idea in some cases. I've see too many bad examples what happens when parents are helpless in front of their raging kid. Makes me mad to see those kind of kids who think no one can touch 'em.

(just to make things clear, I ain't supporting child beating either... )
fucken right bambi, it's the same here in France. it's a social problem all these kids getting pety rebels, fucken losers. it depends a lot on where you grow up and who are your parents, but it also depends on yourself. and i hate the french rap scene for that, praising that 'it's-not-my-fault' philosophy. pathetic.
Originally posted by sol83
I like kids..... I'd like to have 7, 5 girls and 2 boys.... and I'm not joking. The only problem is that it would be very difficult to provide everything needed for such a big family!

I thin a bigger problem will be to find a woman who will want to go through all that 7 times. Imagine what all the kids do to your body :eek:
I have a goddaughter... that´s enough for the next let´s say 8 till 10 years :grin:
The difference between your kids and other people´s kids is that if you recognize their misstakes you can do it better... well which won´t stop you from making other misstakes :rolleyes:
I would really like to have a dog :) I love them :D
you can only have a dog in places like the fillipines. apparently they feed the poor mutt nothing but rice for a few days before they slaughter it so they can eat the rice thats in its stomach too.... :Puke:
oh hold on, you want to OWN a dog :)
Originally posted by Bambi
you can only have a dog in places like the fillipines. apparently they feed the poor mutt nothing but rice for a few days before they slaughter it so they can eat the rice thats in its stomach too.... :Puke:
oh hold on, you want to OWN a dog :)

I´m a vegetarian :p
and I´also don´t eat stuff that has been eaten allready :yuk:
Why do they feed him rice if they want to eat it themselves :confused: I mean the dog doesn´t get bigger/fatter of it if the rice´s still in the stomach :confused:
so the rice is boiled in its gastric juices...liek stuffing
whats worse is they often torture the poor mutt first so the meat tastes nicer from all the adrenaline...sick sick sick