June 05 Update- LotFP RPG is still alive!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

It's been a few months, but things are still moving here at the LotFP: RPG camp, albeit slowly. The system has been completely revamped, with an even more player-involved combat system, and the new Motivations and Lamentations optional concepts which is a story-driving mechanic.

The snag of course involved fleshing out the details so that it is not just a couple of concepts, but a complete and playable game. It'll be a bit longer on that as editing and testing continue, then it'll go up on the web as a free download. When the general gaming public has had its chance with it (and feedback is listened to, the rewrite is proof of it), we'll see if we can finally get a quality product to press.