Just a cool thought!


New Metal Member
Oct 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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Dont you hate it when you are downloading something from an MIRC channel, and some punk ass bitch decides that you are not good enough to be on his channel, or when someone is a complete mother fuckin piece of shit on AIM or MSN or Yahoo...so he kicks and bans you! I propose a special product for consumers comming out this december...


After someone kicks and bans you, you simply hit this button located on the side of your keyboard or mouse, and presto...the persons monitor that baned you explodes in their face, sending shards of glass their direction, cutting off thier head...and then after that, their whole computer blows up, catches fire to the house and kills all their family members...and finally, a bunch of terrorists come into their house, and piss on thier remains...oh yea and dont forget cutting the heads of the remaining bodies, off!

Well just a thought...!