Just a Quick Mac question


Mar 16, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I just Started up the mac,

and just after the little Mac sound and Apple Logo in the middle of the screen, it ran me through a thing called a Hardware test.

Its a MacBook.

The Mac seems to be working Ok, but i just wanted to see what caused it and why. or is it just random checking. Ive had it now for about 18 months.

yeah, it sometimes does that... i would be more concerned with the results of the test than the fact that it ran automatically. if everything passed, you're good.
it will do it when it "thinks" there might be a problem... don't mean that there is one. i've only very rarely seen it pup up.... like once in the last 3 or 4 years.
what the fsck?

yea, i was gonna suggest that. linux does it by number of boots, and time since last one, not sure how apple do it.

although, i've never seen one on my mac, and i've had it almost 3 years.

fsck's usually happen after a bad shutdown, or something where the last journal hasn't been written to disk for what ever reason.

it'll be fine, although i'd be concerned if this happens regularly.
