I'm officially a Mac user!!! :-D

SPLASTiK said:
And if you read the new Sound on Sound they just did a huge thing on interfaces and everyones complaining about the same thing and how they probably won't be making anything for PCI Express.

And if you read it you would have understood that PCI and PCI Express are backwards compatible, that article explained that PCI-X is not needed and using PCI in a PCI-X slot causes no problems.
Razorjack said:
And if you read it you would have understood that PCI and PCI Express are backwards compatible, that article explained that PCI-X is not needed and using PCI in a PCI-X slot causes no problems.

But it's a software issue... They don't funtion in the same way. They're going to have to recompile it to support newer products and most didn't seem that welcome to that.
sorry... you aren't changilng my mind about a thing. nor anyone elses that actually uses a Mac. and PT more stable on Windows for LE systems??? how is it that i've heard the exact opposite of that over and over again. you're just one of those that won't stop.. you'll throw something you dug up everytime anyone says anything positive about macs...you've basically admitted that. the fact that you say you do the same in favor of Macs where PC's are being praised only proves that you like to argue. LOOK.. the guy bought a mac... he's happy with it. you should try it. Macs aren't going away any time soon, neither are PC's... i just know that my macs have been going strong for 2 years and 3 years respectively.. .and neither one has had a single virus, or component failure, or even needed a clean install for that matter. ... even though my laptop was thrown violently to the ground by the silly dutch man (hi mike :wave: ) who was my driver in Sweden this past spring.

now go ahead and tell me how your PC's boast the same history so i can hurry up and not pay attention... or better yet, don't. then once he's up and running let's compare plug-in counts. jeesh... we need an 'effin "PC Wanker" icon for you.
James Murphy said:
sorry... you aren't changilng my mind about a thing. nor anyone elses that actually uses a Mac. and PT more stable on Windows for LE systems???
I'm not trying to change anyones mind here... I know you're pretty set and would probably dismiss everything anyways unless Steve jobs told you himself. ;) I'm just saying PCs aren't the evil demon many people make them out to be. But if you can afford a Mac and want to go that way by all means, I'm sure you'll enjoy it too.

And I've never run LE on PC's just (only Macs, which it's great at) so I can't really verify it personally, I'm just going by what the Digi Admins were saying on the DUC recently.
Also a recent Digi-zine over the summer I aquired (has south park on the cover if you're interested) had a huge article on how he Mac vs PC battle isn't the stretch it was 5 years ago, had quite the Pro-PC bent which I found odd. But I'd imagine more of it has to do with the fact you can build a ProTools LE PC system (or upgrade your current PC) for a little cheaper than buying a Mac and Digi seems to love making money.

I've never had any spyware or virus problems myself on either platform, but with PC's you have to take more precautions for sure. Though I have to say I know more than my fair share of people who've had major problems with PC's, I know we all have.
SPLASTiK said:
I'm not trying to change anyones mind here... I know you're pretty set and would probably dismiss everything anyways unless Steve jobs told you himself.
now did i bring up anything about how well you swing on bill gates' sack?... cuz the judges are all holding up little white cards with 9's and 10's on 'em. Or did i ask you how your view of the ceo of AMD's lower intestines was? :p
James Murphy said:
now did i bring up anything about how well you swing on bill gates' sack?... cuz the judges are all holding up little white cards with 9's and 10's on 'em. Or did i ask you how your view of the ceo of AMD's lower intestines was? :p

I like to swing from them both, one nutsack in each hand :rock:
Kind of a late post but I am buying a Powerbook G4 this spring and wanted to know what you guys thought about using it for recording. I would get the 15 in. with the 1.67 ghz processor and a gig of ram. What do u guys think. Using it with cubase and nuendo through my Presonus Firepod.
I've got a 15 inch PB with 1.5 gigs of ram. I would try to go for 1.5 or 2 gigs of ram just to be safe. I guess it also depends on how many plug-ins you will be using as well. And congrats on buying a Powerbook :rock:
Yea i figured aftermarket i would put some more memory in. Right now Im running a dell dimension 8200 2.6 ghz with (dont laugh) 256mb ram. Its a pos but it works alright as long as i dont go over like 12 plug-ins, but i cant wait for the powerbook its gunna be the best graduation gift.

I'm getting a Powerbook next year. If I can, I'm gonna copy Mr Murphys mobile rig, except with a 15" probably. :D

Never even used a Mac yet, though.

EDIT: hmm.. been wondering about this actually.. does MOTU do any kinda hardware/software deal?
It seems they don't but I might have missed something.
their audio desk software comes free with the interfaces... you'll want to step up to DP though.. motu does offer good X-grade pricing.
You 2.... LOL! I believe a computers performance is based on 1.)Disk Speed - access time and 2.) Amount of RAM. As long as the processor is at a modern speed they should run plenty fast enough for todays standards. I know big studios still running Quicksilver Macs @ single 768Mhz. I have had problems with my Macs on occation but If you dont know how to fix or troubleshoot your computer yourself you probably shouldn't own it to begin with.