Just bought an RME Multiface


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Managed to snag it along with the PCIe card for what I think is a really good price! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/RME-Multifac...hash=item320313796031&_trksid=p3286.m63.l1177

Can't wait for this thing to arrive! If it comes around the same time as my dummy load, the first order of the day will be to do a cabinet impulse shoot-out using a real head and my custom TS.

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait.... :puke: :Smokin:
It looks like one of the first Multiface's on the market, but that shouldn't be an issue. We've had RME soundcards for seven years, without as much as a hiccup. Just make sure you download the latest drivers and firmware updater.
Kickass Ermin! Though what's with the Steinberg labeling on it? o_O

The two had some sort of partnership deal for a while where Steinberg would re-label the Multiface and sell it under their own name. By all accounts it IS a multiface, just with a different 'sticker' slapped on the front.

The seller has been giving me some issues with shipping fees, so I hope the sale plays out well.

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