Just bought my second My arms...album


Jul 6, 2001
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A month ago I wanted to buy My arms your hearse, but the ¤#&¤% store didnt have the original release album!!!

So I bought the new release with the two covers.
I wanted the original release beacause I like Opeth so much I wanted to have a clean album with no new pressed logos and stuff, didnt want 2 bonus tracks either, beacause I think it destroys the albums atmosfere.

Today I was going to buy Morningrise and I saw my wanted original my arms... album next to morningrise...so I bought both! And my morningrise copy was also the original!!!

The original is great! It has a much better looking cd, its darker! And the little book had some really nice new pictures Im really, really happy now! :grin:

Im listening to morningrise right now and I have to ask...Its seems to be alot lesser bass on morningrise than on later opeth cd:s. Is this correct? I play the cd with very low volume so Its not clear though...

So now Im forced to buy 3 albums more:
Morningrise: new release
Orchid: Original release
Orchid: New release

Then I have a complete Opeth collection:goggly:
Dude thats pretty cool, I also just found copies of the first three albums as originals to go with my Century Media versions. I am one happy Opeth fan right now :)
excuse my english...I didnt mean Johan Derfallas bass, I meant that it wasnt so much bass on the album. You know subwoofer bass...
I think there are three version of Morningrise and Orchid. There are the original versions (no Opeth logo on covers, Candlelight), there are the US versions (Opeth logo on covers, Century), and then there are the bonus track versions (Opeth logo on covers, Candlelight, +bonus tracks).
does anyone else have that sticker on the front of Morningrise?

Extreme Progressive Metal
from the Swedish Gods!
5 Tracks in 66 minutes of the
best metal you will
ever hear!

is it on all original copies or what?
As I've had the first 3 Opeth albums for along time, I've got the originals ... and yeah, my Morningrise had that sticker on it too. I have friends with the Century versions, I definately way prefer mine, hehe.
The Original release of MAYH also had a sticker on it with the old opeth logo (circa Orchid) and the album title "My Arms Your Hearse", as I recall.

I, unfortunately, have the CM version of MAYH, and the Candlelight bonustrack re-release of Morningrise. I do have the original Orchid, tho...

And, needless to say, that sticker on Morningrise caught my attention pretty damn quick (going back to the various "first impression of Opeth"- type threads).
The new release of MAYH: The new opeth logo is on the cover (white, upper left) And it says "My arms your hearse" on the side.

The original: No logo, no text at all on the cover. Just a removable mark with the old Opeth logo Mikael draw years ago.

How do I know its an original? Answer: MAYH, Morningrise, Orchid has NO text at all on the cover.