Just curious....

Are you a vegetarian or a meat eater?

  • Complete vegetarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meat eater

    Votes: 29 100.0%

  • Total voters
I've only known a few vegetarians that lasted on it very long without getting very malnourished. You really have to do a lot of research into what you can eat to provide proper protein to your body. Beans don't have all the necessary amino acids, unlike what most vegans will tell you as they get more and more malnourished, and there are very few substitutes for a moderate amount of red meat in your diet. Notice I said moderate, most people, including me, probably eat too much of it :) But I'd rather eat too much than none at all, mmm hmmm.
hmmm, meat!

jimbobhickville says:
You really have to do a lot of research into what you can eat to provide proper protein to your body. Beans don't have all the necessary amino acids, unlike what most vegans will tell you as they get more and more malnourished, and there are very few substitutes for a moderate amount of red meat in your diet.
Yes. During my young, idealistic college years I attempted to go vegetarian. I got very malnourished, anemic and caught every cold/flu that went around. Unless you really pay attention to nuritition, it's not a good idea.

I've got a friend that claims to be a 'terrestrial' vegetarian. She won't eat land animals or birds, but will eat seafood. I don't really think that's vegetarianism. Anyone?
I'm a meat eater for sure(is anyone else here snickering at everyone saying that they enjoy eating meta or is it just me?). Nothing beats a nice god damn steak or a big piece of roast beef or something. NOTHING! except maybe some elaborate desserts.

And no, i don't believe in someone being a terrestrial vegetarian. You eat animals(any even from the sea), you're a meat eater. thats my view on that.

I know people who used ot be vegetarian but then they tried meat once again just because and they loved it so they started eating meat again. I don know someone who's been a vegetarian for a very long time, and she's not malnourished at all or anything.
I'm a meat-eater although I try to increase my intake of fish and poultry over red meat. I'll have red meat once in a while.
I don't eat enough vegetables/legumes to provide sufficient nutrients/nourishment to live on that kind of a diet, nor do I have the income to support that kind of lifestyle (vegetarian meals tend to be expensive). Not to mention, I wear leather, and prefer the idea of making use of the rest of the animal rather than have it die for its skin alone.
The last Viking Vegetarian I heard of was fed to a mountain troll... so you can guess what I am. :)
Originally posted by Lillitu
I've got a friend that claims to be a 'terrestrial' vegetarian. She won't eat land animals or birds, but will eat seafood. I don't really think that's vegetarianism. Anyone?
Nope, in my opinion that is not vegetarianism at all. But I don't really understand it - personally I hate seafood so if I don't get my steak once in a while.... well, there is not a fish I want instead of it.... :D