Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
I play this game on another forum & thought it'd be nice to have a thread just for fun here. So here's how it goes.

Each person will have 2 parts to their post..the first is TPAM (The Person Above Me), where you'll answer the question posted by the person above you. And the second part is TPBM (The Person Below Me), where you'll ask a question for whoever will post below you. So say the last person said 'TPBM: what time are you posting this?'..then it would go like this:

TPAM: It's 3pm here.
TPAM: What are you doing this weekend?

Then the next post might look like:

TPAM: Going to the beach.
TPBM: What's the last SymX song you listened to?

Get it?

I'll start, using the TPAM question I gave above..

TPAM: It's about 9:50am Pacific Time.
TPBM: What kind of cell phone do you have?
TPAM: For school/work at 7.11 and otherwise around 10.00-11.00

TPBM: Do you do any sports regularly? If so, what?
TPAM: My favorite stout is Guinness on draft, my favorite lager is Hell (swedish brew) and favorite ale... not sure. Overall my favorite beer is probably Guinness draft. My favorite drink is Islay Whisky (Lagavulin, Laphroaig etc).

TPBM: What's the most painful thing you have experienced? Physically.
TPAM: Childbirth w/no drugs. 3 times.

TPBM: If you could change your eye color, what color would you choose?
TPAM: Argentina, where I live :D

TPBM: What's your most important thing to achieve this year?
I don't know, lots of stuff coming up, trying to get in to university, taking part in Han Moo Do Finland's championship, and then there's the army which I have to go through, hard to pick!

TPBM: What's the last thing you ate and drank?
TPAM: No clue, but it's probably more than I think I could; I'm pretty strong for being a chick.

TPBM: Do you watch sports, & if so, what's your favorite sport/team?

Baseball - New York Mets(fuck the Crank-ees) :puke:

Football - New Orleans Saints(Super Bowl Champs at last!) :headbang:

NBA - who cares?

College Basketball - Syracuse Orangemen(FUCK Duke!) :puke:

Soccer - Italy(defending World Cup Champs!) Go Italy! :kickass:

TPBM: Why are cats better than dogs(or vice versa)?
TPAM: I prefer cats, cause you don't have to give them attention all the time, on the other hand a dog is a better friend for sure but waaayyy too much work for me.

TPBM: What album (besides the upcoming Symphony X) are you looking forward to the most=