Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

TPAM: I had to wikipedia him... But yeah, I like some of his movies... Don't know him as a person though...

TPBM: If you had to choose 3 movies to watch for the rest of your life, which would they be?
TPAM: There's a fantastic Shanghaiese restaurant in NYC that I miss severely.


Fried egg noodle w/ duck sauce and spicy mustard


Soup Dumplings stuffed with pork & crabmeat
BBQ Spare Ribs w/ duck sauce on the side


Shredded Sesame Chicken(the best I ever had)
Grand Marnier Shrimp


Tsing Tao

TPBM: If you were going to be executed, what would be the last song that you'd ever want to hear?
TPAM: Good one, it was like 5 years ago at night, after eating a heavy-baked chocolate cake for a friend's birthday. I didn't want to puke, puking is one of the things I hate the most, but...

TPBM: Do you watch classic cartoons? (Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, etc...)
TPAM: Only a little swedish... but JUST a little! I can understand it better than I can speak it :D

TPBM: Speaking of languages, what do you think, Shoukd we ALL have one international language?

EDIT: I mean like ONLY one language which everyone would speak.
TPAM: Not as long as people believe in, adhere to, and want to be led by mystical entities, such as a God or the State.

TPBM: What was the last book, article, or movie that blew your mind in the sense of making you question your own beliefs?
Thomas Metzinger's lecture on the Theory Of Mind: .

Reading his work sent me into a bit of an existentialistic/nihilistic period that I still haven't quite climbed out of. As much as I love science, it's not really the best thing for me to read now at this point in my life...


Keeping with the mood: What makes you depressed?
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