Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

TPAM: At first, I don't really care, then the tornado warning goes off- (I'm pissing my pants by now) tornado doesn't happen, storm goes on, I like it... It's much like a rollercoaster ride to me

TPBM: Favorite band after Symphony X?

Sticking in the "genre" of SX: Ayreon, which are only behind SX because I don't think Arjen is as consistent in songwriting.


Favorite Porcupine Tree album?
TPAM- Deadwing...I'm partial because that's the album that hooked me in the first place.

TPBM- Do you have tattoos/piercings? If so, where/what? If not, is there a reason?
TPAM: I have 3 tattoo's and one piercing (used to be two but I had to remove it) The most important one for symphony x fans is this one!


TPBM: Are you more excited for Halo: Reach, or Fable 3? Or do you not give two shits lol!
TPAM: Cell Phone. Easily. I do without a car in my day to day life anyway, and most computer functions can now be duplicated (albeit poorly) on a cell phone.

TPBM: Do you get offended easily? If not, what's your breaking point where shit stops being funny (note: joking with your friends is totally different.... with good friends there's literally NOTHING off limits, but I'm talking regular day to day interactions)
TPAM: Not really, but it really depends on who is saying it, if it's some stranger I wouldn't care at all; but if it was someone I hate; I'd make sure they wouldn't do it again...

TPBM: What is the best prank you've ever pulled? Or have happen to you?
TPAM: oh I like this one lol! One of my buddies has always been some what of a coward/baby. Awesome dude, but very scared of things in life. Some buddies and I decided it would be a good idea to put on ski masks in the middle of the night (when he was home alone) and start banging on the door pretending we where trying to unlock his door. After a few minutes of him banging on the door trying to scare us away, we went around the back. During this time he was phoning the police, when we saw two cruisers arrive we hopped a you fences and headed back to our cars. Sadly, the poe-poes found us, and questioned us, and checked out trunks, and found ski masks lol. They where none to pleased, so as they seperated us and asks used the stories they found out we where playing prank on our buddy. They found it funny, but one of them said we must go an apologize, and our friend was crying.

As far as what happened to me, the worst! was I ate oreo cookies with toothpaste in them. I was so let down by this prank lol!

TPBM: Whats your standing view on the 3D televisions?
TPAM: I hate the 3D craze period. I have no interest in wearing accessories just to watch tv or movies. The 3DS is the only thing i think that might even be halfway decent in the whole 3D realm.

TPBM: Weirdest food you ever ate?

Definitely at home. I have something bordering on a near psychotic hatred of bars and the drunk fuck-wits that inhabit them.


Inspired by the previous response:

Should marijuana be legalized/decriminalized?
TPAM: Here in Canada, its practically legal! (At least compared to the US... we have no major consequences) I do believe its less harmful than alcohol. Most people can smoke than drive, and be fine. I know people who smoke while driving. Alcohol does not give you that freedom. However, it does burn your brain cells...and I don't think we need any more stupid people on the planet. So I'm on the fence, it can go either way. I don't mind either way!

TPBM: Do you think that this whole notion that you must go to war when you are a certain age (in certain countries) should be abolished? or do you think we should be stepping up to the play on our own terms to protect and serve our country?
TPAM: I think everyone should say "Fuck this, I'm not fighting your war" to their governments, and let worldwide peace manifest as a result of such refusal to be brainwashed by politicians and work as an assassin for them.

TPBM: What was the last movie you watched?
TPAM: I think everyone should say "Fuck this, I'm not fighting your war" to their governments, and let worldwide peace manifest as a result of such refusal to be brainwashed by politicians and work as an assassin for them.

Well said, man!


TPAM: Last movie I watched was Stalker.

TPBM: What's your favorite Symphony X album?
TPAM: My favorite Symphony X album is of course "V: The New Mythology Suite"

TPBM: Who´s you´r favorite Symphony X band member?
TPAM:Tough question, but probably Russell Allen. I even liked his solo album just because it had him, even though the music was weak.

TPBM:What is your favorite and least favorite new album you've heard this year?
TPAM: Maybe I shouldn't answer this because I actually haven't listened any albums from 2010... But no one had answered anything for a while so...

TPBM: If you had to live the life of someone else (someone popular, musician, actor, etc.) who would it be, and why?