Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM


Cynic. I have learned over the years, after about $200 spent on "Dream Theater clone" progressive metal CD's, that I should just move on from the genre. Can't say, beyond the odd song or two, that I enjoy much of it.


What accomplishment (Or decision) that you have made in your life are you the most proud of?
I know this is replying too soon but this question really pertains to me.

TPAM: As much as I can and as often as I can without getting super shitty. Self-medication is essential to me right now.

TPBM: How would you commit suicide if you had to?

Definitely morphine overdose while listening to Planet X - Moonbabies.

Or if there is a razor handy to slit my wrists with, The B-52's.


Do spiders in your house/apartment freak you out?

Do spiders in your house/apartment freak you out?

TPAM- Not really. I don't freak out or anything, but I am swift to take them outside, depending where they are hanging out. I don't like them in my room, but I have a few that I let hangout out in my living room window. After a friend was bitten by a brown recluse a couple months ago and after spending 6 hours in the ER with a friend who had a REALLY bad reaction to a spider bite about a week ago, I'm a bit more mindful of them than before.

TPBM- Any Halloween plans?
I know this is replying too soon but this question really pertains to me.

TPAM: As much as I can and as often as I can without getting super shitty. Self-medication is essential to me right now.

TPBM: How would you commit suicide if you had to?

This kind of question after the answer you just gave.. Should we be worried?
TPAM- Not really. I don't freak out or anything, but I am swift to take them outside, depending where they are hanging out. I don't like them in my room, but I have a few that I let hangout out in my living room window. After a friend was bitten by a brown recluse a couple months ago and after spending 6 hours in the ER with a friend who had a REALLY bad reaction to a spider bite about a week ago, I'm a bit more mindful of them than before.

TPBM- Any Halloween plans?

Let's restart the thread topic.

TPAM: Get drunk and dress up as Mel Gibson.

TPBM: If revolution happens and you have to fight for your life, what song do you want playing?
TPAM: Too many to choose, but I'll list some
Run to the Hills- Iron Maiden
The Knife- Genesis
Relayer- Yes
2112- Rush
21st Century Schizoid Man?- King Crimson
Revolution Calling?- Queensryche

TPBM: What pilotician do you hate the most?
TPAM: Uncle Adolf wins this one easily. :lol:

TPBM: If you go back in time 10 or so years back and meet yourself back then, what would your "word to the wise" be to yourself?
Tpam: don't change a damn thing! I fucked up a lot of stuff, but I love where life has taken me, the people I have met, the experiences I have had, and not to sound too sappy but I genuinely appreciate every sweet peron I meet and all I have been able to accomplish. And frankly, the good and the bad have both shaped me in ways I never thought possible. It's a wonderful life!

Tpbm: what do you consider to be your top three highlights to every day?

1) Not getting hit and killed by a car. (Almost happened to me twice this past week.)

2) No family members getting sick or dying.

3) Science fiction and music.

Zach, I honestly wish I shared your outlook...


If you could choose one person of your gender to turn gay/lesbian for, who would it be and why?

1) Not getting hit and killed by a car. (Almost happened to me twice this past week.)

2) No family members getting sick or dying.

3) Science fiction and music.

Zach, I honestly wish I shared your outlook...


If you could choose one person of your gender to turn gay/lesbian for, who would it be and why?

It's been a good week man, so it's more a matter of timing on my outlook haha. Still, i really can't complain much!

Ok, TPAM: John Stamos. Easy.

TPBM: Should pot be legalized? Give more than just a "yes/no", less than an essay response as to your reasoning.
TPAM: No. ALL drugs should be legal. Legalizing marijuana is a weakass argument. Start the argument where it starts: It's my fucking body, it's my fucking business. Leave me the fuck alone. When you mention marijuana legalization, you're wasting my time. I wanna go to Wal-Mart and buy mushrooms tomorrow(that's not mine).

TPBM: Would you rather have to deal with roaches or rats in your home, if you had to choose between them?
Zach, yeah it is funny how much opinions on life vary from week to week!:lol:


Rats I actually think are kind of cute. Meaning that I probably couldn't kill one, even if it did eat and piss all over my food. Roaches on the other hand, not so much.

Well, I guess roaches.


What is your favorite cataclysmic end to Earth (Meteor, nuclear war, Trekkie's out-reproducing humans etc.)