Just for fun

Wait... new Metallica material that doesn't make me want to set fire to my old collection?! I won't go so far to say that it is a historic return, but it is by far the most respectable thing they've done in years. I must say that Lars contribution is barely passable, and Hetfield's voice is a shadow of it's former glory. Outside of that, love the old school guitar harmonies making a come back.
That was actually pretty good. I heard the live soundboard version of Cyanide last week and that song seems alright as well, although I won't pass judgement until I hear a studio version because his vocals were just terrible.

At the very least, the new stuff sounds leaps and bounds better than the St. Anger material. Also, can't wait to hear The Unforgiven III!
It's honestly not terrible. Not the second coming by any means but it is a step in the right direction. I was most surprised by the inclusion of a guitar solo, something I thought they had abandoned after St. Anger
That was actually pretty good. I heard the live soundboard version of Cyanide last week and that song seems alright as well, although I won't pass judgement until I hear a studio version because his vocals were just terrible.

At the very least, the new stuff sounds leaps and bounds better than the St. Anger material. Also, can't wait to hear The Unforgiven III!

Pretty good is a bit of a stretch.

Unforgiven III, sheesh...
I hate it...James needs to stop singing he makes my ears bleed....The music is alright though....Man I just can't listen to James!!!!! I used to LOVE Him and Metallica. They were plastered all over my walls! Ugh I still <3 the old shit though and when I say old its Pre Load....Load is what killed them for me....