Metallica - The day that never comes! (Single)

Hate and death to Antares for the Autotune. I could never imagine that Metallica would use that lifekilling plugin. Pretty obvious that they tried to make a Fade To Black ptII. Pathetic Magnetic would be a more appropriate title
The mastering on this song sucks bad. I downloaded the single :rolleyes: and the snare is really distorted, so are the guitars on palm mutes :Smug: I'm assuming Ted got paid a lot to do this and its sad when a lot of us could of done better

I thought it was something wrong with my rig here but then it's not only me! Yeah the first thing I noticed was the snare, but when the gits come in it's just unbearable... That is, being played through my Genelecs. I listened in some other speakers as well and it's not as bad. But in the Genelecs it just sounds like the tweeters are cracked.

Something wrong in the export? One of the loudest tracks I've heard but it's just totally ridiculous...

Edit: Sounds slightly better on the Myspace page. The Windows Media file is absolutely awful...
Our insisting in hoping this band would put out some great great music again resembles a lot the wife beaten repeatedly by an abusive husband and still loving him.

They are a live act that will put on great shows (due to status, money, organizing power, etc...) for a lot of years to come.

They just don't 'have it' compositionally anymore.

Oh, by the way, I found an mp3 at 256 kbps. The song is clipping all over, no matter the high bitrate. No good. Nickelback records has a lot better sound than this stuff. Enough said.

And a lack of structure that means they had a lot of riffs separately and they went on pasting them one against another.
Oh, by the way, I found an mp3 at 256 kbps. The song is clipping all over, no matter the high bitrate. No good. Nickelback records has a lot better sound than this stuff. Enough said.

Nickelback albums have always sounded good productionwise. I was actually thinking that this "lets release a super clipped version of the song" is a neat trick to prevent shit from leaking, but if the whole album sound and look like this, I won't buy it. For real. That clipping just is unbearable.
This song is being played on radio.. surely they are not using that same piece of distorted shit version for that!? (I haven't actually heard it on air)

Anyway it's boring as fuck to me. Sounds exactly like what a Metallica covers band would come up with as an 'original'. Every bit is like a weak re-hash of something else.. they even almost broke into Stone Cold Crazy.. Oh I'm excited to hear the rest!!!
is it weird that i think this snare is worse than st. anger? it's just so boxy sounding and dry. perhaps it's just the mastering that's causing this. aside from how the mix sounds, i think the song is ok, but still not quite there.