Metallica - The Day That Never Comes - Video Premier

I think each and everyone on this forum could have recorded a whole album in world-class studios for what that video must have cost...
I guess they didn't do it to please the audio engineers in their fan base...
And it also shows that you won't make a great record with loads of money unless you have a vision or talent.
(After I posted this in Kazrog's impulse thread, I guess I should post it in the correct thread, too ...)

What a boring-ass video ... the production values on this are so low, it looks like one of my own videos ...

Headcrusher: I don't think this video was expensive. I mean, if you include rental equipment you can shoot it in a day and spent no more than 5k on everything. And the post production/editing is not even worth-mentioning cause it's nothing but basic color correction and cuts.

I don't get how a band like Metallica comes up with something that cheap looking.
Beats me why on an unlimited budget of time would you rather auto tune the fuck out of Hetfield than spend time to actually get the parts laid down with soul. fucking auto tune on a talent like that really gets me annoyed.

Was it me or is that version distorting like a mother?

The song i thought was so so. Gets much better at 4 minutes, why not start the song at 4 minutes hahhaa and the video was very much (hell) LA. Over expensive and no soul.

What on earth was the point in that video!? So... they are under fire... then they aren't... then they fix a guys car... then it ends....

Hmmm... Incredible storyline.

Not that it mattered to much, i was too distracted by that stupid snare!

And why did they release The Day That Never Comes as their first single of Death Magnetic? In my opinion and by the general views of this forum, My Apocalypse is much more likely to encourage people to by the album.
I could not watch it all because it bored me to tears.:cry: Both the song and video. I can't stand the band in the middle of the dessert thing. Unless it's old Sepultura :lol: they kick ass! Even if they have no where to plug in there gear. :kickass:

Boooooooooooooo for Metallica - The Day That Never Comes - Video Premier
Time for my Metalliban pic again: :D


It's only fair under the circumstances.

Not a fan of the video or the song really. Snare is fucking annoying.
Still the other clips were a little bit more promising...
I can see how one might be able to stand that snare in a song context. But fuck does that get annoying on these snare rolls.... :ill: :puke:

A friend of mine said that the day that never comes will be the day he buys the new Metallica album! :lol:

smy1: I'm pretty sure that video cost quite a fortune! They sure as hell have a big ass crew and the best equipment around. Plus there is a helicopter! The money spent for that alone would make a great video for any (semi-)pro band.
i liked the video and the song with a video

snare sounds as shit clipping every time lars hits it... the sound is strange...

but i liked the video

not as a Metallica video. just as an usual video - like idea etc
music itself is not so new etc - but its good - thats enough
I'm sorry for every Metallica fan out there but that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lame. A lot of people on this board would have achieved a better sound. Songwriting is weak but thats a question about taste. The video made me think: WTF.
That progression under the verse is exactly like Eric Clapton's "Classical Gas," Kirk's opening solo REALLY could've used a few more takes and some delay to cover up the sterility of it (and all the noises in that "fast lick" near the end), and yes, the snare is laughably horrible. And christ, that autotune on the vox is about as subtle as a sledgehammer...
OOh, "love is a four letter word," how profound :rolleyes: And yeah, that guitar tone is utter crap, but I wouldn't expect any less from Metallica. However, I have to admit the song isn't that bad, though God what a blatant "One" ripoff in terms of structure. And honestly, I liked the second-half of the video itself; I wasn't buying the drama before the guy's comrade got med-evaced in the chopper, but I really felt the tension when they were trying to size up the people in the car to see if it was an ambush or they genuinely needed help; you could tell the guy was hungry for revenge, but I'm glad he realized they were benign and helped them get their whip rolling again.