Metallica - The day that never comes! (Single)

damn, 5 threads about that...that much interest...i though it's just 'tallica haterz around:D

this song is just fuckin' AWESOME!

what the hell did they attach to the end of a perfectly decent radio song, was that supposed to be heavy???, while a significant improvement from st. anger, I have heard much better engineering on this board. eh, at least its not THAT bad.
That sounds like some guys trying to sound like Metallica, more than it sounds like Metallica.
Back to load! i like it a lot, sound quality im listening to on myspace is pretty bad though, crackles and shit... but still, im digging it.
OK now that THAT is out of the way,

WTF is up with the heavy rhythm break, ala ONE, in the middle (5:00). Is it just me are those guitar horrendously out of time with one another?

In addition just cause the song is over 5 minutes long doesn't make it "classic" metallica ... lol
The intro reminds me Fade To Black. Probably it´s was supposed to. The instrumental part have something to do with One too.
My momma always said "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all."


When did I ever listen to her? It sounds like they took parts of all of their songs and put them together to make something longer and more boring than that Iron Butterfly tune Ina Godda Da Vida. I'm on minute 7:13 and ready for a friggin' aneurysm.
The mastering on this song sucks bad. I downloaded the single :rolleyes: and the snare is really distorted, so are the guitars on palm mutes :Smug: I'm assuming Ted got paid a lot to do this and its sad when a lot of us could of done better

...but the songs pretty straight IMO better than a lot of shit that gets put out nowadays anyway