new Metallica song posted

well I like My Apocalypse better than The Day That Never Comes.

My Apocalypse fucking rocks. People bitched for 18 years that the band lost their edge, they are now playing heavy, fast shit again and people STILL bitch.

We all have to face the truth and realize that they will NEVER make an album that will compare to our nostalgic memories of their first 4 albums. yes I said nostalgic because even though Kill em All, Ride, Puppets and Justice were great, they were not the best thing ever recorded in the history of the universe as some people say.

I will wait to form a full opinion when I hear the whole album, but so far, the 3 songs they have put out sound promising.
I don't care if they play heavy or fast, I am just looking for quality material that just makes me want to listen to it over and over again and never stop listening, but they no longer have that affect on me, and to tell you the truth, I haven't listened to their other cds in forever either and I use to wear those things out. I guess for some reason I am in a stage where a band is only as good as their newest material because it showcases their current chops and state of mind.
It's fucking close to nu metal. maybe for the slipknot fans on this forum it does something, but for people who like metal it's bullshit.

i am the farthest thing from a Slipknot fan as you can get. and i still liked My Apocalypse. Do you even know what Nu Metal was?? Two chord, chugga chugga riffs with no solos. This song is NOTHING like that.

Anyway, I am not sold on Death Magnetic yet but when people say bs excuses to bash on stuff it just annoys me.
My Apocalypse fucking rocks. People bitched for 18 years that the band lost their edge, they are now playing heavy, fast shit again and people STILL bitch.

I never said it didn't rock. I simply stated I liked it better than The Day That Never Comes. Hopefully you didn't constitute my statement as bitching.

It's fucking close to nu metal. maybe for the slipknot fans on this forum it does something, but for people who like metal it's bullshit.

lol...That's a bit ridiculous. I don't own a slipknot album, nor will I ever. Just because some of us dig the sound doesn't make me or them any less 'metal' than anyone else. Its all about opinions and taste. And as a matter of fact I don't think I've honestly ever listened to a full slipknot song so I couldn't tell you if it sounds like slipknot :Smug: but you can, so I'll take your word for it.

I tend to like My Apocalypse because in some of the vocal melodies and even in some of the music it reminds of a modern day And Justice/MoP. I can hear a bit of Dyer's Eve and Battery-esque sound in it. Maybe its just me, but everyone has their own eyes and ears.
Great, Metallica is trying to play fast again .. they are trying to recapture some of the thrash element of old I guess. The problem is that they aren't really very proficient at their craft any longer. James has regressed as a singer .. Lars has regressed as a drummer .. Kirk is just terrible these days (makes me think someone else played guitar on a lot of that killer older stuff) .. the bass player is mediocre. The songs aren't catchy .. they sound like a mess. I guess I don't get it ... what is there to be excited about?

I don't care if they play heavy or fast, I am just looking for quality material that just makes me want to listen to it over and over again.
Yep. Definitey thrashy, but where has the melody gone? And as previously mentioned, that snare tone sucks. The positives I've heard so far are:

1) Kirk is back
2) Thrashier elements are back

...but if it's simply packaged into a chaotic mess, I'd rather they go back to the Load/Reload sound.
Who really cares if they're back to being "thrashy" if they're really bad at being thrashy now? Good songwriting is the primary objective, not them going back to a certain sound.
lol...That's a bit ridiculous. I don't own a slipknot album, nor will I ever. Just because some of us dig the sound doesn't make me or them any less 'metal' than anyone else. Its all about opinions and taste. And as a matter of fact I don't think I've honestly ever listened to a full slipknot song so I couldn't tell you if it sounds like slipknot :Smug: but you can, so I'll take your word for it.

I tend to like My Apocalypse because in some of the vocal melodies and even in some of the music it reminds of a modern day And Justice/MoP. I can hear a bit of Dyer's Eve and Battery-esque sound in it. Maybe its just me, but everyone has their own eyes and ears.
I hear Dyer's Eve as well. It sounds like a fucking poor and pathetic attempt at trying to get this song again. It's sad to me. And i'm not saying anyone is wrong in their opinion, I'm simply putting mine out and standing by it. It's a bullshit song, it's not metal, it's ridiculous to me that anyone who really likes metal and old metallica would be even slightly satisfied with it.
Great, Metallica is trying to play fast again .. they are trying to recapture some of the thrash element of old I guess. The problem is that they aren't really very proficient at their craft any longer. James has regressed as a singer .. Lars has regressed as a drummer .. Kirk is just terrible these days (makes me think someone else played guitar on a lot of that killer older stuff) .. the bass player is mediocre. The songs aren't catchy .. they sound like a mess. I guess I don't get it ... what is there to be excited about?

Exactly. I'm not going to cum just because Lars has rediscovered the thrash beat and can play it over a poorly, poorly written riff. Fuck that band and that song. It's just pathetic.
These 2 new songs are better than St. anger, and they are somewhat decent compared to that previous effort, but they still don't do much for me. I personally enjoyed most of Load, but not reload. I don't like these songs, even though I will say that my apocalypse is more enjoyable to me than that other crap, but only slightly, and I love slipknot's music.
I don't understand how somebody can be a judge on a band for never even listening to at least one full song, and especially when any band should be given at least a full spin of one cd. I use to hate slipknot and many other bands, until I finally listened to whole cds before passing full judgement and have visited bands in the past I use to not care for to give them a second chance. I hate closemindness especially when somebody is going to completely pass a band off when not even given a full chance. Since nobody is going to go through the effort to check out any of the new slipknot, I will post a couple new songs for ya, one light and one heavy, even though they both don't fully convey the whole new cd. You have to at least admit Corey has great vocals and sounds better than ever on this release.

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I have another question for others on here, anybody else a Bleed the Sky fan, or has everybody completely passed them off as well? I love their new cd, it is miles above their first cd and puts them in a completely new level, but i guess everybody here is going to say they are nu-metal or whatever, when fucking metal is metal, fuck all these goddamn subgenres. I bet if a "power" metal band used the same riffs as say slipknot, with higher range singing, and talking about slaying dragons and emerald swords(I am a fan of Rhapsody and such, so I am not a hater), then everybody would give it more of a chance.
Being "better than St. Anger" should never be a criteria to judge any band's music by, EVER. That's expected.

I have another question for others on here, anybody else a Bleed the Sky fan, or has everybody completely passed them off as well? I love their new cd, it is miles above their first cd and puts them in a completely new level, but i guess everybody here is going to say they are nu-metal or whatever, when fucking metal is metal, fuck all these goddamn subgenres. I bet if a "power" metal band used the same riffs as say slipknot, with higher range singing, and talking about slaying dragons and emerald swords(I am a fan of Rhapsody and such, so I am not a hater), then everybody would give it more of a chance.

Bleed the Sky is awful and I wouldn't like them or Slipknot even if they had Daniel Heiman on vocals.
Daniel Heiman wouldn't exactly fit in with either band, just too bad he is no longer with Lost Horizon, but I love that Heed disc, and also that Crystal Eyes cd he sang on. i am curious though, just how much Bleed the Sky have you listened to, and don't tell me, enough, because that is not a legit answer in my eyes. If you are judging of of their first cd, their new cd is totally different in my ears, plus there is another awesome drummer, Austin is amazing, and they are a great live band as well. I will stick with bands that progress with every release instead of degress.
I heard the first album and that's enough for me. It's not a style of music i enjoy in the least bit, regardless of the talent of their individual members. Therefore, i don't give a shit to listen to anything more. I don't buy it when people say "but you don't know their entire catalog so you can't pass judgment". Bullshit. I know the style they play (some bullshit metalcore) and I know that there is not a single band of the style that i enjoy. I strongly feel that "core" bands need to die, just like rap metal in the late 90's (I don't want to hear about Anthrax, we all know it was different before it was overdone by shitty, tallentless hacks).

Likewise, Slipknot (whom i've heard a few albums, not the new album) is a band that has no merit to metal in my eyes so I refuse to give them any of my time. I don't care if they've added new elements, they're still bullshit. They cannot make their sound into anything legitimate.

and again, on the topic of metallica, i would like to re-iterate that just because they add one element to their songs that is vaguely reminiscent of the old stuff doesn't mean it's acceptable.
I will say though that the new Bleed the Sky is totally in a new league then their first one, but for me I don't consider them "core", maybe from a few instances on their debut, but not on the new one, I just consider it heavy fucking metal, just like pantera, they are considered just heavy fucking metal to me. The sound quality on this videos is not good at all though.

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I've always enjoyed thrashy guitars, but thrashy drums bore the shit outta me
The whole album leaked just a few hours ago, and I am now downloading it to check it out. From what people are saying, some record store in France already had it in and started selling it early, and from what people are saying it is of the same quality as the singles that were released with the clipping and everything else.
I heard the first album and that's enough for me. It's not a style of music i enjoy in the least bit, regardless of the talent of their individual members. Therefore, i don't give a shit to listen to anything more. I don't buy it when people say "but you don't know their entire catalog so you can't pass judgment". Bullshit. I know the style they play (some bullshit metalcore) and I know that there is not a single band of the style that i enjoy. I strongly feel that "core" bands need to die, just like rap metal in the late 90's (I don't want to hear about Anthrax, we all know it was different before it was overdone by shitty, tallentless hacks).

Likewise, Slipknot (whom i've heard a few albums, not the new album) is a band that has no merit to metal in my eyes so I refuse to give them any of my time. I don't care if they've added new elements, they're still bullshit. They cannot make their sound into anything legitimate.

and again, on the topic of metallica, i would like to re-iterate that just because they add one element to their songs that is vaguely reminiscent of the old stuff doesn't mean it's acceptable.

Your comment has to be one of the most immature and ignorant comments I have ever heard in my life as a metal fan. I realize you are free to have your opinion, but your opinion is based on something 25 years ago for Gods sake!!!!! Thats like saying I don't like Rush because I heard their first album or I don't like Riot because I heard their first album. Have you ever heard of progression? Creativity which is enhanced and usually and most times grows from album to album? (not always mind you!). My opinion of Metallica is everything post "Black Album" is shit. But I will listen to the whole thing THEN pass my judgement. Thats what a metal fan does. They don't bitch and moan and act like a child. Why not at least give it a chance? How old are you anyway. And by the way, you are in the minority if you think that Anthrax are talentless hacks. Why not visit the disc "We've Come For You All".