Just got a TC Electronic Impact Twin. Help me test.


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
Hey guys. I just got a TC Electronic Impact Twin audio interface. It's pretty cool.

I don't see many people talking about these. I'll be writing a review soon.

Anyone got questions about these interfaces?
I have not tried a 32 sample buffer. 64 is no problem on either my PC or Mac.

I'm not quite done my review, it may end up being a few pages long unless I cut stuff out and just summarize.

I've been recording bus powered at 24/96kHz to internal macbook pro drive at 64 samples and on battery. Flawless.

Inputs are very clean, whereas with my Profire 2626 there's some coloration, more of a feeling that it's not the same (as source) rather than something I have been able to measure.
Been quite interested in these....have a Profire currenly but use a Audient Mico for pre's....only record guitars/bass/vocals here so was looking into such a more compact interface. This > profire?
So when say you record at 24/44.1 at 64 what's the input output latency.Also the ad/da compare to profire is it better,the same?Thanks!
Latency as reported by REAPER
Impact Twin: 1.9/1.9ms @ 44.1, 64 sample buffer
Profire 2626: 3.1/3.1ms @44.1, 64 sample buffer

Dimensions = 9.5" L x 9" W x 2" H
Weight = 1628g (3.6lb)

AD/DA conversion
I have not done a formal test, I don't know if I even can. The differences between converters is SO subtle most of the time but my suspicion is that the TC has better conversion.

There is a comparison of specs using a 10x loop test here on GearSlutz. I'm not exactly sure how to intemperate the results though.

I have heard an Apogee duet and though it sounded very hyped, not really transparent but more larger than life or something.
I haven't had much of a chance to use the compressor. I know the attack is not particularly fast, so it does that hard punch thing you may or may not like on percussive elements. Playing bass or guitar into it was pretty cool. I'm not using it for the podcast yet.

Here's what I have written so far for my review

DSP Effects
A feature I'm seeing in a lot of audio interfaces these days is onboard DSP effects. Some have them just for monitoring, some have the effects in the input path, the Impact Twin has both.
Input path
Inputs 1 and 2 have console style channel strips with 4 band EQ, Compressor and De-esser. When you use these effects they will be applied to your recording, which means if you overdo it with the compression the file is ruined just like with a hardware compressor. What makes it different from a hardware compressor is that it is far less flexible and cannot prevent clipping the converter. The de-esser is something I'm unlikely to use ever, it doesn't have a frequency select option and every voice and mic combination will require a different setting.
I'm just pointing out some of the downsides, these are cool features to have on an interface, I'll have to see if it becomes something I use.
The compressor amount can be controlled via the encoder on the interface. This is great. Even better is that the gain reduction is shown on the LEDs around that knob. The compressor has various style presets designed for different sources so you'll have to experiment to see which works best for you. I wish you could change this from the front panel too but of course, there's only so many features you can cram into that space.
Pushing the adjust knob in when in compressor mode will bypass all input fx.

Monitoring reverb
The reverb built into the Impact Twin is very nice sounding, and as far as I can tell can only be used in the monitor path. I had a lot of fun playing guitar into it and pushing it to extremes. There are 14 reverb models with decay, pre-delay and color (EQ) controls. The front panel adjust knob can control the reverb level fader and decay.
The thing that confused me a bit with the reverb is that the Main MIX control needs to be turned to the left (direct monitoring). I've never really understood the whole reverb while recording but not on playback concept. I think I'll stick with a plugin.
This feature is disable at higher sample rates.
Yeah thats the thing it would be sweet to give the vocalist a bit of reverb to monitor with rather then it being printed to the track forever....latency always stops me faffing with delays/verbs when recording live. Sounds promising!

Can the comp be used monitor only too?
When you play the vocal back there will be no reverb, so you'll need a plugin anyway. That's what I don't get. I've always been able to run effects while tracking without any latency. You can't get low latency with your profire?

The compression and EQ is on the input before the DAW so it gets printed.

Speaking of reverb, you get the TC M40 reverb with this and it's pretty decent, but of course there are SO MANY options for reverb already and this one is fairly limited in controls.

You also get a 3month online subscription to Sound On Sound when you register. That's pretty sweet but I just don't have the free time to take advantage of it.
Yeah I wouldn't want anything printed to the source as ill no doubt change it later. If I drop the buffer everything starts to click and stutter...not ideal when your trying to track somebody :(
wonder if someone can help me i got the impact twin when i first got it i would record my vocals and i could hear myself as i was singin in the headphones something triggered it to where i cant now, does anyone know how to turn the direct monitoring back on so i can hear myself in the headphones as i sing again.