Heh, I was playing Team Deathmatch and my brother was on the enemy team, as we can´t make parties to stay on the same team anymore (servers instead of matchmaking). Anyway, we managed to kill each other at the same time using the ballistc knives. It was not stage, just happened.

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I need more people to play with, especially those with common interests. I'm getting tired of teaming with little kids that talk about "spooge" and "dicks" all the time. :lol: I've tried to add a few gamertags on here but some of them say they're invalid; although, I'm trying to add them on xbox live, and they might be PS or PC tags.

Feel free to add me on xbl - Like A Gazelle
Commando perk didn´t bothered me that much because, as I played on PC, I could aim very fast and and put the enemy down with a single burst of RPD before he reaches me. On consoles, with the slower aim, it must be a pain. Actually the knife on Black Ops are much more annoying to me, as all the guns are crap and weak. You aim first, start shooting first but the enemy still has time to reach you and kill you with a single stab before you give him lethal damage. This game would be much better if you missed the knife attack (or at least nerfed to half damage) if you´re damaged (red screen). Going "juggernaut" to stab a guy shooting you shouldn´t be a valid tactic unless the knife was a primary weapon like the shield was.

Shotgun as secondary was ok to me. They took forever to switch anyway, it wasn´t even worth IMO. I never see people playing with shotguns on Black Ops.
I don't see what's so nooby about not wanting to frantically circle-strafe and hip-fire when suddenly coming across an enemy whilst running through close-quarters; it's not like shotguns and Commando gave you an unfair advantage when everybody used 'em!
I gave in and bought black ops and have been playing it quite a bit online. For whatever reason I'm liking it shit tons more than MW2. I still suck massively, so if you want some easy kills hit me up. :)

My xbox gamertag is Uladyne.

I wonder if it could be my slow connection might be the reason I die in 95% of close quarters surprise encounters. I think I'm pumping a good 5-8 rounds into a guys chest, he kills me with a short burst, and the killcam usually shows me never firing a single shot. And forget about knifing someone. I'll usually tap the melee button a good two to three times in the dudes face before he knifes me, and of course the killcam shows him simply running up to me and killing me with a quick slice, and my character looks like a retard taking it right up the ass without protest.
lol, man that happened to me every now and then and pisses me offffff

its def a connection thing tho, by the time u start shootin the guy, hes already seen you come around the corned like 2-3 secs ago, thats while the killlcam shows u not doin anything. it liessssss!