Gets laggy alot now.

Super laggy.

Laggy to the point of shooting a gun, dieing, watching the killcam and in it me not even fucking shooting.
Shit sucks hard.

Still cool though.

Campers on some game types are just fucked.
Ruins the game and makes it boring.

Still loving the game though.

But it can get a little rapey if a whole team murders you at domination and ruins your chance of even getting close to capturing something.
Played today with some buddies. We were all noobs toting some crap smg stock guns (my cousin level 1, my neighbor level 14 and me level 10).

I don't know what kind of crack BO is on but they stacked both games I played, us + a level 28 and 32 against an entire team of no less than level 40 players.

The second game (and the one where I announced the most profanity) was so bad the final score was 2600-7500.

Gets laggy alot now.

Super laggy.

Laggy to the point of shooting a gun, dieing, watching the killcam and in it me not even fucking shooting.
Shit sucks hard.

That happens to me all the time when I accidentally run up on somebody and have to melee. I knife them and just fall over dead... and then when I watch the killcam it never shows me using the knife. Definitely pretty annoying... I've mostly been playing splitscreen online with a friend when I play though... not sure if it's less laggy playing with just one person at a time...
Played today with some buddies. We were all noobs toting some crap smg stock guns (my cousin level 1, my neighbor level 14 and me level 10).

I don't know what kind of crack BO is on but they stacked both games I played, us + a level 28 and 32 against an entire team of no less than level 40 players.

The second game (and the one where I announced the most profanity) was so bad the final score was 2600-7500.


Dont feel bad. We've rocked teams so hard, that last night, a guy against us went 7-86.

Yeah.... I cant believe he stayed, either.
Well. We usually go like 40-10 each, so, its not easy coming up against us. I use the first spy plane to get one in the air. Another guy uses the sam, care pack, and turret in a row, and a hardline pro guy will change em into something better. By then another 2 guys put up back to back SR71's, and then we continue the streaks until we've got Chopper Gunners, Dogs and Gunships and just rain hell on the other team.

Shit like this happens. thrasher, Nawtious, Mythodix, and me, TheCynic, vs them:

I mean the MP5K vs. a fully decked out 47u or FAL is absolutely no contest. We got rapped. I think I got 1 kill that game and died 11 times. I could not for fucking sakes stay alive.

Its how you play the game man.

The MP5k is a close quarters gun.
So stay inside, shit, corner camp if you must.

From a distance you won't have a chance against a 47u, unless you are good with stickies and flashes.

Also, adding to my love for the game.
I know love stickies.
Takes me back to playing halo sticking dudes.

Also, bouncing nades off walls when you know someone is waiting/camping around the corner.
ive been raped plenty of times by a reg mp5, might of had grip, but no silencer or red dot etc.

no gun in this one (that ive noticed thus far) is really better than another, just different strengths and weaknesses. i just unlocked the last smg gun...which i was stoked about, kipinger or sumthing...its stats say its really good, but it has a short clip and i did awful with it. sumthing about it just really sucked for the way i play. back to the ak47u.

btw, respawns really need to get fixed, its getting a little unbearable.
Actually I will post a link to some data I found when I get home from this show. Basically the data straight from the game itself shows that overall the ak47u is literally the best gun in the game. A lot of people have actually been complaining about the lack of uniqueness of the guns, and most of them have what the are saying are "copy-pasted" stats, the data in the game itself renders the stats you see when picking a gun in the GUI total bullshit (the damage/range/accuracy/etc). Again, I'll post the link when I get home.
Actually I will post a link to some data I found when I get home from this show. Basically the data straight from the game itself shows that overall the ak47u is literally the best gun in the game. A lot of people have actually been complaining about the lack of uniqueness of the guns, and most of them have what the are saying are "copy-pasted" stats, the data in the game itself renders the stats you see when picking a gun in the GUI total bullshit (the damage/range/accuracy/etc). Again, I'll post the link when I get home.

If true, that's really disappointing, I always found the stats in MW2 to be pretty accurate, at least with the AR's
Actually I will post a link to some data I found when I get home from this show. Basically the data straight from the game itself shows that overall the ak47u is literally the best gun in the game. A lot of people have actually been complaining about the lack of uniqueness of the guns, and most of them have what the are saying are "copy-pasted" stats, the data in the game itself renders the stats you see when picking a gun in the GUI total bullshit (the damage/range/accuracy/etc). Again, I'll post the link when I get home.

This one? http://www.joinaclan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/blackops-weapon-damage-chart3.png

It´s isn´t really accurate on some aspects (spread and recoil). From the stats the best weapon should be the AUG, as it is supposed to have the accuracy, strenght, range and speed of the best ARs, but with a higher RPM. But it doesn´t work that way. It has bad accuracy and recoil pattern.

After testing all the weapons (including stuff that influence like Steady Aim, Rapid Fire and Grip) on private match on Summit, my conclusion is that the best all-around weapon is Commando (the full auto AR-15). AK-47 is almost exactly like Commando, but the recoil pattern is slightly more horizontal (Commando is more vertical, so it´s easier to score a headshot), Commando has faster reload and I also like Commando´s iron sight better (it´s bigger than AK47, but as it doesn´t cover the immediate surroundings of the sight like AK47, so it´s easier to follow the target). They both work great with Dual Mags atachment.

AK-74u is a great weapon too, but it´s accuracy is much worse than AK-47 and Commando, the Grip actually make it worse (go figure), has less range, becomes weaker at distance (needs one more bullet to kill than the other ARs, but with worse recoil and the same rate of fire), and the hipfire isn´t that much better. Steady Aim, as on MW2, is basically bullshit, although the Pro version might come in hand if you run a lot.

FAL is a beast, as it usually requires only two bullets to kill, but the terrible hipfire annoys me as this game has too much surprise close quarter combat. If you know where to hang around on the map, FAL might be the gun for you.

ps: the stats on the game screen were always bullshit.
^^ Yup that's the one, I got invited to my friend's zombie game when I got home and then passed out 4 hours later so thanks for posting it for me. I understand however you feel about the game going by your experience but... the statistics on that chart are directly from the game code, literally right off the disc. I dunno how you came up with the AUG being the best, the ak47u has the best setup going by the stats - something else a fuckload of people have been bitching about the ak47u needs to be toned down. A lot of people have been giving Treyarch absolute hell about this whole deal, demanding an update, etc. The thing with those stats is that there is a variable, a big one, and that is the players. Everyone is different, some people are more skilled than others, etc. So in that regard, yes, the stats in that chart slightly go out the window in a sense because one guy can rape with a gun that is supposed to blow and another dude can fail using the best gun in the game, but really the point is that Treyarch didn't make the guns unique enough, that's all.
the statistics on that chart are directly from the game code, literally right off the disc. I dunno how you came up with the AUG being the best, the ak47u has the best setup going by the stats - something else a fuckload of people have been bitching about the ak47u needs to be toned down.

Let me explain by comparing the 3 guns: AK74u, AUG and Commando. Every soldier on this game has life = 100, so the damage that matters is how much bullets we need to reach 100 or more.

3 bullets to kill until 20m (3x40 = 120)
5 bullets to kill after 20m (5x20 = 100)
RPM: 750
Reload: 2.1
MagSize: 30
ADS: 0.2

3 bullets to kill until 37.5m (3x35 = 105)
4 bullets to kill after 37.5m (4x25 = 100)
RPM: 937.5
Reload: 2.6
MagSize: 30
ADS: 0.25

3 bullets to kill until 37.5m (3x40 = 120)
4 bullets to kill after 37.5m (4x30 = 120)
RPM: 750
Reload: 2.05
MagSize: 30
ADS: 0.25

The ADS from all the guns are somehwat a draw. AK74U has a small advantage, but nothing serious as they all have fast ADS (specially with Sleight Of Hand Pro, that cuts the ADS time time by half).

Magazine: The magazine is the same for all weapons (30), but it´s more problematic for the AK74U as it needs more bullets to kill at distance, and this problem is even worse when we realize that the accuracy of AK74U is bad, so you waste more bullets until you nail the 5 necessary.

Range: Range is the distance that the bullet needs to travel to have it´s damage reduced. AK74U has almost half (20m) than the ARs (37.5m), and its bullets gets weaker than the ARs (needs 5 bullets to kill at distance instead of 4)

Reload: Commando and AK74U both have the same reload time, that´s pretty quick. AUG has a longer reload but nothing drastic, specially with Dual Mags and/or Sleight of Hand (cuts the reload time by half, or 1/4 if you use both).

RPM: How fast the gun can shoot. AUG has the upper hand here. If it shoots faster you can nail the ammount of bullets necessary faster than the enemy. This is what makes M60 terrible instead of great.

Recoil/Spread: It´s the accuracy. How much kick the gun can produce to each direction after each shot. More important that how high the numbers are, is if they are simmetric. For example, FAMAS has less kick, which was supposed to be good, but the left side has much less kick than the right, so when you start shooting, the aim will start to move to the right making it much harder to follow the target. When the recoil pattern is simmetric, each shot kind of compensate the kick of the earlier, so the aim doesn´t move too far away.

By that chart AUG and Commando has the exact same recoil, and AK74U is slightly different (but with the same simmetric pattern). If that was true, AUG would be the better gun, as it would have all the benefits Commando has over AK74U (strength, range, etc) but with a better RPM. But that´s not the case, because the recoil info on that chart is wrong and I can show below with screenshots that I took from the game. On each screenshot I lock the aim at the same spot (the left gap on the painted circle) and unload the whole magazine. The AK74U marks on the wall are a bit harder to see because the SMG bullets are smaller, but they went up and left.




See how Commando has a much better accuracy (by the way, AK-47 is almost identical). This accuracy makes Commando a much better gun than AUG, even with less RPM, as it´s easier to nail 3 bullets with low RPM and great accuracy than the opposite. What´s weird is that with the Grip attachment, the AK74U accuracy got even worse than without it (!!!).

Now let´s see hipfire, where the SMGs must shine. I´ve used the same method, but aiming (no ADS) at a closer target, one that I would hipfire on the game.




As you can see, there´s much less difference than it should between SMGs and ARs hipfire. Once again AUG´s faster RPM doesn´t really count as it misses much more bullets than the other guns. AK74U was good, but went a bit up and right. Commando wasn´t as tight as AK74U, but kept the spread on a small circle space where an enemy would occupy. With the same RPM and strength (at this distance).

If you take all of this in consideration, at least to me Commando is clearly the winner. The only advantage AK74U has is the base walking speed, but AR´s speed isn´t a big problem like with LMGs. I don´t think it makes up for all the other factors, so I believe Commando is the best all-around gun.

ps: wow, that was nerdy.
If you want to see some AK74 bullshit, check out my two game videos, gamertag The True Salmon.

I went 27-2 and then 32-3 on 2 consecutive rounds of Firing Range and I'm really not very good at COD.
Well. We usually go like 40-10 each, so, its not easy coming up against us. I use the first spy plane to get one in the air. Another guy uses the sam, care pack, and turret in a row, and a hardline pro guy will change em into something better. By then another 2 guys put up back to back SR71's, and then we continue the streaks until we've got Chopper Gunners, Dogs and Gunships and just rain hell on the other team.

Shit like this happens. thrasher, Nawtious, Mythodix, and me, TheCynic, vs them:


I tried to play with you this morning, but every time the fucking server was full. haha.

I'm not very high in rank yet though (lvl 15).