Just got my bass


Nov 22, 2007
Any advice, or help here? All is welcome :)
I don't know how to play and I am just learning, so I need all the help I can get!!!:kickass:
Seriously... lessons never hurt. Even just snagging one of the lesson books and working through it yourself works. And the simple drills in them help build up finger strength and flexibility, which is a bit more important with a bass then a guitar. Planning on playing with a pick or fingers?
what kind of bass?
Fingerstyle is better. Although AA's bassist uses a pick.
Finger strength is important.
Practice much.
Well I learned how to tune it tonight and working on the scale. Played till my fingers just weren't happy with me anymore.
To answer your questions
Well I get a cleaner sound with a pic..but I would rather learn how to get that sound without the pic
It's an Ibanez, left handed cuz I'm just that way :p
Also, got a SWR LA12 60 watt amp.
Thanks for the cheers :kickass:
Just as an earlier point, has anyone hear learned to a good standard without professional lessons (I mean, taught themselves out of books and stuff).

Thinking of picking up an electric guitar but I can't really afford lessons right now.
You'll never quite get the same clean, bright sound that you do with a pick if you're using your fingers. Personally, I prefer the smoother, deeper sound you get with fingers, except for the fastest stuff, cause even playing 3-finger, you can only go so fast before you start to dampen the notes.

GFAD: You can learn from just the books. A teacher is good, but not utterly essential. Truthfully, I'm sure you can probably find a lot of the basic drills and scales and stuff online for free. Lessons are mostly good for, like I said before, finger strength and flexibility and theory stuff.

I bang around on one of these bad boys. (except mine's black, because, you know, black is metal) :)
Thinking of picking up an electric guitar but I can't really afford lessons right now.
Don't need lessons. I've been playing for two years now without lessons, and I can do some pretty cool stuff, such as the rhythm guitar to Beyond The Dark Sun by Wintersun (shredding and sweeps take a lot longer).
you can only go so fast before you start to dampen the notes.
Not necessarily, Steve DiGorgio can go up to 32nd notes fingerstyle...
of course, he's Steve DiGorgio.

In general, when you need to play fast, use a pick.
A few years ago i took up the guitar. I bought an instruction book called "Thrash Guitar Method" and started downloading tabs over at www.ultimate-guitar.com .

The end result is that today i understand absolutely zilch about theory or how to read music in non-tab form, but i can play some pretty cool songs and have fun doing it.

It's great to practice un-plugged while watching TV. That way you can do the latter without feeling like you're completely wasting your life.
So, when will the first liveclip come with serious headbanging and bass playing Rhonda?

LOL When I can play the scale, and find someone with a video camera with sound. My camera has video, just no sound. I may not be headbanging, as I will probably need to look at the fret, gods I feel like a tard, but I just have no experience.
My friend is coming over tonight for my first scale lesson, last night it was tuning.
My fingers still hurt and I fucking love it!
Just as an earlier point, has anyone hear learned to a good standard without professional lessons (I mean, taught themselves out of books and stuff).

Thinking of picking up an electric guitar but I can't really afford lessons right now.

Here. I have learned all instruments that I play by myself. That is guitar, drums, bass (but I suck at it lol), piano, some sorts of flutes (quite sucking, too - but I get along), keyboard (which I never liked because it sounds just too "electric" lol) - the only thing I had lessons in was singing. But that was more teaching about how to breathe and getting voice in shape.

In the end, it is all about practising, I think.
LOL When I can play the scale, and find someone with a video camera with sound. My camera has video, just no sound. I may not be headbanging, as I will probably need to look at the fret, gods I feel like a tard, but I just have no experience.
My friend is coming over tonight for my first scale lesson, last night it was tuning.
My fingers still hurt and I fucking love it!

Buy a mobile phone with camera and put it on your desk :p
No excuse, honey!