And jesus christ, everything is so loud haha. I work in a server room, that has 2 mainframes going 24/7, 4 printers, and 3 x 6 foot tall air con units. So yeah, it's pretty loud. Just thought I'd tell everyone lol.
Hahaha, and of course what better way to remove water, than with water! I get what your saying though dude. I q-tip every time I get out of the shower, so I doubt this would do me any good, but it's cool to know about...
they sell drops that will dissolve the ear wax
You guys pay to have that done? Hydrogen Peroxide and an ear syrigne from a drug store does the same thing. I love the sound of the wax disinegrating. Makes me feel like I accomplished something.
I don't know about the US, or anywhere else in the world, but over here they don't really like doing it, you have to keep nagging them. Also I've heard that they're no longer training medical staff how to do it over here, so eventually it'll only be the older nurses that will know how to do it.