Just in case ya didn't hate it enough (bitching within)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So tonight I was transferring consolidated files between sessions in order to prepare a project that was tracked largely on ProTools for mixing on Nuendo.

Everything was going swell until at one point Nuendo locked on the 'import audio' dialogue. Okay, I figure, random hitch, let's try again. No dice, locked up again. So then I start narrowing things down and realize that it's one of the backing vocal .wav files which is locking Nuendo up. I can't as much as select it without crashing.

So I go back into the ProTools session and re-consolidate, then re-export the file under a different name. No dice, still locks. At this point I'm wondering what's going on... a simple uncompressed audio file shouldn't have any run-time information that would make a DAW lock up. So I try exporting again as an .aiff instead of .wav

Miraculously, Nuendo likes it now.

So I suppose I just wanted to say thank you to Steinberg, because my workflow isn't already hampered enough by unnecessary consolidation procesures, I now have to wait for entirely arbitrary, avoidable issues to present themselves when I'm trying to quickly transport sessions. Thanks!
The worst problems I've ever had is the occaisional glitched out project file, but I learnt my lesson years ago and it's like ctrl s every 5 minutes
plus every time i open up nuendo to continue working on a mix, all the changes get saved as a newer iteration of the mix

so for that bow down cover it went up to something like
"Bow Down Mixdown 8.npr" or something like that

never had a problem since
the occaisional crash i spose but hell, it's to be expected
Yeah I don't get using Nuendo over Cubase at all. If one were doing video work or something, sure I get it. Funnily, a lot of the people running Nuendo over Cubase aren't using it for video, but are running it because it was free ;)

Usually they are the guys that go "I have Nuendo, Waves Diamond and Drumagog, why don't my mixes slay!?!?" :lol:
When I first got Nuendo, I got it because it I Bulb used it so I figured it would be a good thing to learn.
Now I'm too used to it to want to learn anything else haha
I would honestly sell Nuendo and pick up Cubase...you can make some money off the deal and you are getting the same thing...at least the same thing that matters.
Well, i already had problems with Pro Tools not opening Nuendo saved wave files, so thats not a surprise. Nuendo has all sorts of glitches when importing/exporting files from other daws. Steinberg is promising to have a more stable release on N5, but i doubt it.
I have zero intention of starting a piracy argument, but I haven't bought Nuendo yet. Buying a DAW is high on my priorities list, and Cubase was my first choice.
Yeah I don't get using Nuendo over Cubase at all. If one were doing video work or something, sure I get it. Funnily, a lot of the people running Nuendo over Cubase aren't using it for video, but are running it because it was free ;)

Usually they are the guys that go "I have Nuendo, Waves Diamond and Drumagog, why don't my mixes slay!?!?" :lol:

haha this is so true.
my boss bought it because he thought it was cooler to spend $1999 that 599 or whatever cubase costs. It would impress clients more :Smug::Smug: And now the mofo owns me like $2K