Major BeatDetective / ProTools problem (DAE error -9022)


Nov 17, 2008
Munich, Germany
Okay so I was editing drums for a song, took me like 5 hours (song is 9 minutes long). I was nearly finished when ProTools started to fuck up the fades and not complete the tasks. Well ok, so I wanted to consolidate the regions so there wouldn't be too much fades or regions. Didn't work and the sessions crashed. I tried to re-open the session and got an error message DAE -9022 and PT wouldn't open the session.
I restarted, tried it again and PT failed again. Okay I thought "no biggie, PT has automatic backups anyway"... Opened a backup, tried to to ANYTHING and PT fails again. Crashed immediately. Tried again and this time it kinda consolidated the regions, only I could see no waveform. Tried to make a fade between the new consolidated region and an old one and it said "no audio".. Well seems like consolidating didn't work. I tried deleting all fades and only do a few fades and consolidate... doesn't work either.

Close to a nervous breakdown right now, I can't afford to loose 5 hours of fucking drum editing. Now if I open either the original file or one of the backup sessions (doesn't matter how old) I don't get the error immediately, but I can't do anything. And at the beginning it says 32456 fade files missing. I can't "automatically find & relink" them and the option "regenerate missing fades without searchgin" doesn't work either.

What the fuck should I do? Logic never crashed when I had too much fades or regions, what a fucking retarded error is this? too much files, yeah I get it, but I can't consolidate or delete the fade files either because anything will fail.

I found these informations (1 + 2 + 3 ) concerning the -9022 error but they don't help either
your DAW has made your project file inconsistent, and really, no matter what you do from now, there is probably no complete fix.

5 hours of drum edits is certainly a huge blow, but to be honest, the amount of time you'll spend trying to get a fix (which i can guarantee will not work, or not fully work) will be greater than that.

my only advice is to bite the bullet, create a new project (very important), reimport your original takes and start again. sorry :(


ps, also consider having 3 project files, and save to each one in order, so even if the bug still exists and wrecks a project file, you don't lose everything!
have you tried something simple like selecting everything then going fades > delete fades? Sorry if that sounds like a stupid suggestion - definitely want to try and help you out though dude.

You might have to bite the bullet and redo the editing (play less Skyrim and this is definitely possible, though I'm not one to talk, I've been putting off a mix for days now!)

Another thought... Do trigger points generated by BD have time stamps? If you reimported all those tiny sections of audio, would they be placed in the correct order? You can also apply time stamps to actual regions too. That might be helpful, especially if you were working from one consolidated (comp'd?) set of tracks with all other playlists cleared and removed from your session?

I know Pro Tools really well but there are surely dudes here who know it better. Lasse I'd assume? That dude Chris too... username C_F_H_13 I think. Guy (Greyskull). I'm sure this can get sorted for you dude.
Create a new session and import session Data from the problem session. That's the normal cure all from session's which have gone wonky.
Create a new session and import session Data from the problem session. That's the normal cure all from session's which have gone wonky.

Yeh that should almost certainly work. You wouldn't have to even touch the old session.

Try it and post back here dude.
Cubase 5 + Slipediting + 9 minutes of Nils blastbeats: 3 hours. Good luck dude, can't help.

This doesn't help anyone. Beat Detective is an awesome tool and definitely keeps the drummer's feel more than slip editing. Anyway, not gonna derail this thread.
Thanks a lot for all your replies :) Somehow I managed to open the backup session from 15 minutes before the error and immediately consolidated half the project, then it worked.
And yes one of the first things I tried was deleting all fades, but it didn't help strangely. I guess once you get the 9022 error, no matter what you do the session is corrupt. Fortunately one of the backups worked in the end.

I'm getting some trouble with the cymbals with BD btw, the double bass plays constant 16th notes and the hihat quarter notes, when I chop the beat up and let BD fill the gaps an crossfade the hihat sounds shitty. I can make it less obvious by not correcting the kick note after each hihat hit, but then the double bass is not completely in time.
Edit to the hats then high pass the kick out of the ohs and rooms?

That's a really clunky way to fix it. Use the trimmer tool and just push the crossfade forwards and backwards. Try longer and shorter crossfades too.
Thanks again. I'm still quite new to BD and ProTools as you might have noticed ;)
try a longer crossfade?

What are your settigns on bd?
I set the standard crossfade to 5ms, but I tried shorter and longer fades, and moved the crossfade when I heard parts where the cymbals sounded weird.
That's a really clunky way to fix it. Use the trimmer tool and just push the crossfade forwards and backwards. Try longer and shorter crossfades too.
Yeah I tried both, in some cases I still heard the crossing, not necessarily because the crossfade was wrong but because it changed the position of the hihat hit too much and it got strechted too far. A little always works but if it's too much repetition it just sounds weird to me.

Just imported the drums back in my mixing session and I'm glad it's not even noticable with the other instruments, phew :lol:
Only way I can hear it is with solo'ed OH and room mics really.
10 ms is what id normally use; with a 7-15 ms crossfade (off the top of my head) Done more mixing than tracking lately; so can't recall..
I usually use 5ms trigger pad with 5ms fade when im done. I never have any problems with bad edits when i where responsible for the tracking.
Logically the fade ms shoudlnt be higher then the trigger pad because then you would fade the transient and that is bad.

But if feel your pain man haha. 9minutes songs with allot of triplets haha.
I HAAATe editing triplets haha
I usually use a 5-7 ms pad and about a 5 ms fade. The cymbal problem comes from the drummer hitting the high hat before the kick drum when they should be on the same beat. If he's way in front, it may be in front of your pad. After cutting and smoothing, just make your waveforms a decent size, look at the high hat track, and trim any high hat hits that are too far in front of the kick. Happens with all other cymbals too.

Also, one word of advice. I never use the smooth AND crossfade feature. I'll cut and conform a section of about a minute or two, only using the smooth feature after conforming. Then when I've got a big chunk, I select it, Cmd+f to do a batch fade, go get a drink. When its done, check the cymbals using the above method, then consolidate. That minimizes the amount of time that you have to work with tons of fades. For a typical song i'll then end up with a couple large consolidated chunks, and I'll do a final consolidation in the end. Seems to be a bit smoother that way.

PT10 works fades in real time, so I really wanna see how editing with BD works with that. But I won't be upgrading for months, so we'll see.