Protools sessions help


Apr 20, 2005
I just got some protools (LE) sessions from a studio for a mixing job.
I need to open these sessions in protools (M-powered pain in the asshole) in order to consolidate the files and put them in my prefered daw.

I copied the folders on my hardrive without altering the directory structure (except the root of course)

So when I open a session, I get a first message telling me that the disk allocation changed (blah blah), then another message telling me that N audio files are missing and giving me the options to:

- Skip all

-Manually find and relink
(tried it but could figure how to find them though I browsed withing the session's folders, things didn't happen but maybe I'm too stupid to figure what to do)

-Automatically find and relink
(tried it and yes it works but it takes about 45 minutes per project... WTF? There's no way I can indicate protools where to search. It seems like just scan all my hard drives which is retarded. I have about 3 internal terabytes...)

There are also checkboxes with the following options:

-Automatically regenerate missing fades and stuff... Can't remember too well
-Automatically regenerate missing files without searching

I don't remember the exact steps, but it's something like:

Use "Automatically find and relink" and unselect all the HD and folder but the one were you files are. It should take a lot less for pro tools to find the files.

After that, a yellow icon with 2 orange circles (or something like that) will appear next to the name of the missing file, double click.

(I think you have to do that with every missing file)

Then, at the to of the window should be the "commit links" button, click it, and every thing should be fine.

Sorry about the really bad english!
Hope you understand, If not, ask me and I will do me best...
Never mind. It didn't take that long for the remaining songs... Still between 10 and 15 minutes but that's bearable.
Thanks for your help Rick.