Just in case you didnt have enough samples


Jun 11, 2010
Belfast, N.Ireland
Hey i just cut up a ten snare and ten kick samples from a recent quickie session.

For each drum there are ten dry and wet hits, Snare_Dry_1 is the same hit as Snare_Wet_1 just with the room mics unmuted, the snare isnt the most tuned and the kick has a little pedal squeek after the hit.

Thought id do it as i have taken so many samples from this site :D, hope some one gets use from them


no prob guys if you want multis id be glad to stick them up as i forgot to mention i used some rather extravagent mics for this, we had to kinda ruch the whole drum recording into 6 hours but, the mics were as follows

Kick In - MD421
Kick Out - Wunder CM7 FET (U47 clone)
Snare top - Beyer M201
Snare Side - Ev Cardinal
Overheads - 4038s
Room mics (in the next room) - Octava MK101
Toms were 421s and i forget what hats was i just threw it up

well theres my answer to the question no one asked :lol: