Just jamming...


Apr 4, 2005
Hey guys.

Long time since i've been here. Oh well, my 333 is at the rehearsal room, and im sitting here at home and wan't to just jam out a bit.

I wan't to be able to easily just plug in my guitar, and pop up some generic drum lick/track and just start layering a couple of Rhythm tracks and play some lead over.

Much like a nice and small unit with a built in looper and drum machine.

How do i set this up as easy and inexpensive as possible?

I have a guitar, a cable and a guitarport.

Im not looking for a super pr0 sound or anything. Just to get the juices flowing and creating some scratch tracks and letting the creativity lose. But i'd prefer if it still sounded half decent, and i hate the built in tones from Line6.

Could you help me out? :worship:
Just use your software. Sounds like you have everything you need already. There's loads of freely available drum software and guitar sims. Literally half the threads on this forum are concerned with either drum or guitar software. It's probably why you didn't get any replies as your question is quite broad