Just learned "When"


Oct 13, 2005
So, I've learned all of the rhythm guitar parts for When (I'll tackle leads next, but it may take a while) and I have to say I have a whole new appreciation for its composition. Mikael really knows how to take material and continually develop it in new ways. I hadn't really noticed that no section is ever really repeated (which I think is true of a lot of Opeth songs). Instead, he takes harmonic and melodic ideas and develops them in new ways. Like how the soft part right before the end is really an allusion back to the intro, but done differently. It really awes me. Sometimes when you learn to play a song, it takes the "mystique" away, but I find myself loving When even more.

Anyone else have experiences like this?

BTW, When is fun as hell to play!:headbang:
soundave said:
So, I've learned all of the rhythm guitar parts for When (I'll tackle leads next, but it may take a while) and I have to say I have a whole new appreciation for its composition. Mikael really knows how to take material and continually develop it in new ways. I hadn't really noticed that no section is ever really repeated (which I think is true of a lot of Opeth songs). Instead, he takes harmonic and melodic ideas and develops them in new ways. Like how the soft part right before the end is really an allusion back to the intro, but done differently. It really awes me. Sometimes when you learn to play a song, it takes the "mystique" away, but I find myself loving When even more.

Anyone else have experiences like this?

BTW, When is fun as hell to play!:headbang:

When is just a fucking amazing song. I know most of it.
yeah i learned it recently, its an awesome song to play. and i cried rhythym part is really fun to play. the short acoustic interlude like a minute in is kind of a hard stretch for me. other than that it is a pretty easy and fun song to play.
shark22 said:
One of their best, blows anything off SL or BWP out of the water.
No. Not at all really.

Godheads Lament
The Moor
Moonlapse Vertigo
The Leper Affinity
Blackwater Park

All of the above are, IMO, on par with When.
When is my song of the moment. The most amazing thing about Opeth is that for the past 3 years Ive had a song of the moment and I never get bored of discovering some new part in a song ive heard a thousand times, or finally "getting" a song and just loving it. To my great shame MAYH used to be a "Skip to Demon and then ignore the rest" CD but it is tops for me now.
Mr. Josey Wales said:
yeah i learned it recently, its an awesome song to play. and i cried rhythym part is really fun to play. the short acoustic interlude like a minute in is kind of a hard stretch for me. other than that it is a pretty easy and fun song to play.

You mean the C octave? That does require limber and long fingers!