just listened to Godspeed You Black Emperor!


neat bitch
May 23, 2003
Seoul, South Korea
and I thought that the progress(is it a right expression?) of their songs is similar to that of Kayo Dot (especially The Manifold Curiosity). Climbing up to a climax! I really love the voice saying "the manifold curiosity" in The Manifold curioisty.
GY!BE are excellent, they make some really beautiful music and are spectacular to see live. All of their albums consistently find their way into my CD player.

<----( points to avatar )
I read this weekend in Michael Moore's new book, Dude, Where's My Country? that GYBE were caught up in homeland security hysteria while on tour a couple of years ago...their two vans and equipment vehicle pulled into a gas station and parked next to a fuel tank; they were reported and endured a couple hours of police questioning. As the singer said, "good thing we're just nice white Canadians."
Not going to happen, we have a charter of human right bound to our constitution you know:

Article 12 of charter: Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.
If you read biased news sources with a filter, though, you can get some good information. For example, the WorldNetDaily story probably isn't made up of whole cloth, but it's almost certainly exaggerated. What's the real story? I'm guessing it's something like "the Canadian legal system will implement Islamic community concerns into its justice system for Muslims", which will, of course, never be extended as far as stoning women for adultery. That sounds like WND's let's-take-this-to-its-logical-extreme insertion. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Canada starts getting judicially involved in Muslim justice in one way or another.
I'm not saying ignore, because you must know your enemy to defeat him (I'm going to have to create an alternative Sun Tzu profile). There is probably someone up in canada proposing that in disputes between muslims, muslim legal guidelines will be used or considered. People as civilized as our brothers to the north would never resort to even mild corporate punishment such as caning.

Wingnuts like Worldnetdaily like to run this sort of stuff to create in the minds of dumb white people an environment of muslims run amok, to keep the fires of homeland security burning brightly, and dissent to a minimum.
if canada's so civilized, how come it doesn't have american-level free speech? although its commendable rejection of the death penalty and the WAR ON DRUGS kind of makes up for that.