Just looking for leveling opinions before I release the EP

It could be these headphones, but i think if the guitars were cleaned up just a little, the kick and snare would pop thru better. Is there reverse verb on the clean vox?
yes theres reverse verb on the vocals and the guitarist was really sloppy i did so much cleaning on it
i better get to work to clean it more
Main problem I hear comes from the guitars. Muddy and I don't really like the tone ...
Btw, the overall mix is good. Vox and snare especially.
the snare is the dB studio uber metal 1 kit
i really have a thing for that snare!
and I appreciate the comments! I don't know where I'm going wrong with the guitar tone though =/
Hey man, Sounding good i think! cool tune definatly. on these shitty headphones the levels seem ok, I can hear the sloppy guitar work you talked about, The tone itself seems pretty bass heavy and undergained,It dones however suit quite well from 4:37-4:48, But perhaps thats a preferance thing. Amp sims or the deal? i think the kick could do with being brought up a tiny bit too, Overall though i (personally) think you have done a good job! :)