Just picked up my v30's.....


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
So I got my two Vintage 30's to throw in one of my XXX cabs. Thanks for the recommendation guys, because they sound fucking sweet. I also got a SM57 based on input from all of you. I'm very pleased with the miced tone I'm getting out of my XXX now..... As soon as I get a decent mic pre I'll post some clips, All I have are the inputs on my Tascam US-428 and they don't sound the greatest. I also picked up a EMG-85 for my ESP. I was getting tired of the tone from the 81 and I'm liking the 85 alot better.....
Yeah I always thought the Sheffields sounded ok, but after hearing the V30's those Peavey speakers just sound like crap.