Just recently finished 3 sobigbngs. Tell me what you think!

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New Metal Member
Sep 29, 2008
Hey everyone, i'm real new here, i discovered this forum after hearing some Toxic Grind Machine songs, hearing about Black Neon Bob's producing ablities, and how Andy Sneap could do a much better job than Rubin on the new metallica cd lol.

Anyways, over the last 6-8 months my band has been finishing up these 3 songs and now they are done, so i figured i'd share. Any positive or negative critism is always welcomed :)

Gear used for recording;

1. Guitar - Line 6 POD XT - started with big bottom model and from there its been morphed.

2. Drums - addictive drums.

3. Everything else is done through Logic Studio Pro 8.


---If this thread is in the wrong section, my bad, the general section always seems to be a good default for new posts---
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