syqem - the exterminating angel (for fans of tool, porcupine tree etc)

over 3 years we couldn't really finish any new song, that we were satisfied with, because there was basically no room for vocals anymore.
all polyrhythms and notey stuff just left no space for my voice.

so we try to write actual "songs" now. i would often put 10 ideas into 1 Song... i thought that was "experimental" and new... actually it was just
trying too hard to be special.

i think the internet / myspace has pretty much destroyed my love for technical bands , which now is a good thing, as it helped us to find out what our strength is.

it just took me 3 years to discover that i want to make music, not noise...

I wish more bands realised this at the moment. Every band seems to want to cram in as many different sounding riffs into a song, have a "non-linear" structure from the outset and say that its clever song writing.

I'm definitely against formulaic songwriting, but the most important thing is the song flowing. A different sounding riff will stand out more and be more effective if it stands out from the other riffs.....

still loving this song!
Not my favourite style of music but the vocals sure kick ass :kickass: and you guys at least display some originality :). I think however that the vocals could be brought up a bit in the mix, so that none of their goodness disappears in the wall of guitars.

Rest of the mix sounds great btw (although a bit too digital/sterile for my taste, but that's not surprising when using both edrums and ampsims).