New SYQEM track online - incubus,tool,deftones


Dec 7, 2008
finally some stuff from my band - SYQEM !

the last times i posted the reactions of you guys (jocke, splatt88, lolzgreg and many more) were overwhelming for me, so i thought id share this here.


‎"if incubus, tool and meshuggah had a threesome, they'd name their child syqem." - salvadore dali in 1952

our album is inspired by the life of salvadore dali, i made a mood-video for our newest song. (sorry im no video artist, haha) this song is very surreal, tried my best ;-)....

more technical info :
we used the new diezel hagen for our 8strings here. produced and mixed by myself. for overdubs i used my axe fx ultra and the kemper. also i summed everything with my neumann v475 36 channel summing mixer, used my ssl gcomp + pultec on the 2 bus. used a prime 2276 on voclas and bass and ssl eqs for all subgroups(guitars,kick,sn,vox etc). i do sing and play guitars here, so please only say bad things about drums and bass ;-)!

if you got any questions about production or whatever, just ask here!

hope some of you guys like it.
if you have the time, please share the video. we really need support with this upcoming album. thanks !album will be out summer 2012 if we find a label in the next few weeks...
Fuckin awesome music. What's going on with the dubsteppish guitars at the start? Is that all guitars, or is there synth mixed in there too? Sounds fucking badass. I am definitely stealing that. Sounds a bit like Self Vs Self (In Flames + Pendulum).

A couple of things production-wise: I felt the wub wubs at 2:50 seemed more like an afterthought, personally I'd make them the main focus or get rid of them completely. Also the kick has way too much 3khz going on.
morgan! haha, thanks man! yeah, we always discussed hte clickyness of the kick. but we thought this song works, we knew some people would find that annoying. but its a huge analog mix, very hard to recall unfortunately, and time is not our friend atm.. its actually all guitars in the beginning, the only dubstepstuff is in the heavy riff in the middle. its more of a chaotic part, like a chaotic future.
its really hard, not letting the stuff take over everything, i wanted the synths stuff to sound like it was part of the song... but its awesome you pick out the same "problems" as the band (including me) ;-)
in the end no consumer has complained yet, so i guess i will leave it like that!
thanks again for listening man!
Really cool track. Personally, I like the "wub wub" ;). Also, the vocals are great.
I'll agree with Morgan about the kick though.

thhanks man! always ncie to hear some people like what i do with my vocal chords, haha. i actually learned some new techniques before recording this stuff, singingsuccess had a great tuutorial on mixedvoice singing, helped me to reah those high c's on some songs.
Great job man, i always loved your band ! Old songs like "interested in you" or "in my pocket" are fanstastic :) Cant wait for the full album !
Only on laptop speakers so can't comment on the mix but I loved the song until that god awful dubstep crap came in. Sorry man, that just absolutely killed the song for me.

jeff - man, im sorry, haha! ;-) i wouldnt call it dubstep, its just half a bar of
lfo bass. all other songs on the album (except for 1) dont have any lfos in there, maybe you enjoy those more!
Great job man, i always loved your band ! Old songs like "interested in you" or "in my pocket" are fanstastic :) Cant wait for the full album !

widek! was very curious if you liked our new stuff! its alway hard to reeinvent a bands sound. glad you still like us man! ;-) cant wait to play poland some day! my girlfriend will translate everything ! dzien"t" dobre! :D
This is so awesome, been a fan of you guys since I heard "in my pocket" and "exterminating angel" a long time ago. Can't wait for the new album Daniel! :)
This is so awesome, been a fan of you guys since I heard "in my pocket" and "exterminating angel" a long time ago. Can't wait for the new album Daniel! :)

hey toni! glad you like the new stuff!! really cool thanks man! the album will be very diverse, hope we can reach more people this time, but it looks good at the moment. feel free to share the video ;-)!
hey toni! glad you like the new stuff!! really cool thanks man! the album will be very diverse, hope we can reach more people this time, but it looks good at the moment. feel free to share the video ;-)!

hehe... same name, same comment here...

Im a fan sice I heard "In my pocket"! G R E A T track! ...will share on FB.

Weiter so!
Love the music - think it's pretty dope actually. dislike the vocals, not the sound, but the lyrics... they're just a bit 'vacuous rock' imho.

Mix-wise... too much emphasis on the kick drum and bass guitar for my taste. The guitars aren't cutting through enough for me, and the vocals are too present and up front. It has a kind of classic radio-friendly rock mix to it, and I think the music needs a bit more of an esoteric approach.

Love the music - think it's pretty dope actually. dislike the vocals, not the sound, but the lyrics... they're just a bit 'vacuous rock' imho.

drew! thanks for listening ! the lyrics are based on the life of dali, who inspired this whole album and i know it can be hard to connect to that out of context. but on this album i tried to write surreal stories, painting vague blurry images,almost dream like. its a totally different approach to writing lyrics i know.
i try to see the music and lyrics as one. but i do understand that it might seem vague to a lot of people. i get mixed reviews on the song, good and bad, but im very thankful for every ear !