Holy shit, very great song, and its very original. Its one of the best song i've heared nowdays. Melodic, catchy.
It sounds fucking amazing! Great riffs and vocals!
Can you tell a little more about the guitar chain? Witch impulse did you use?Is it Quad tracked? Other plugins?
The drums are very great too. I'm looking soo long for this natrual drum sound. Would you share the preset with us? Or tell me please, what did you do with them? I'd really appreciate it!
Thank you!
We need more!
thanks man!
this song is actually somewhat of a natural progession for us.
my band exists since 2002, we started out as a very slow and ambient sounding band, we where compared to dredg a lot of times and of course tool/a perfect circle.
but when we discovered all those great technical bands, we started writing very very complicated stuff.
over 3 years we couldn't really finish any new song, that we were satisfied with, because there was basically no room for vocals anymore.
all polyrhythms and notey stuff just left no space for my voice.
so we try to write actual "songs" now. i would often put 10 ideas into 1 Song... i thought that was "experimental" and new... actually it was just
trying too hard to be special.
i think the internet / myspace has pretty much destroyed my love for technical bands , which now is a good thing, as it helped us to find out what our strength is.
it just took me 3 years to discover that i want to make music, not noise...
- >> Quad Tracked
- >> its basically Wagner MK II in comination with Soldano C
- >> impulses were the demo ones from Recabinet ( Ghandi I 5)
when i return from our show tonight, i will upload , promise!

same for the Superior Settings !