Just Recorded some shred guitar- including Passage to the reap..

the short bus!!! ***ow ow ow nigga pleez!!!***

Very well played, very good indeed. If anybody can explain to me how to put up some music files(i dont know shit of it, only that u need a website right?) i will put some here too when i get back from holiday.
Daemon said:
If anybody can explain to me how to put up some music files(i dont know shit of it, only that u need a website right?)
damn :D its quite easy, find yourself some web space, ftp or whatever and simply use one of ftp clients (windows commander f/e) and post a link, nothing easier, I think that wherever you try to get some webspace it will be completly explained how to do this :p
yeah tapping with a pick is pretty lame, but i guess its ok to use it sometimes, Satch uses it in surfing with the alien doesnt he, and i think kirk hammet does it too... I find it much easier with finger
BodomiC said:
damn :D its quite easy, find yourself some web space, ftp or whatever and simply use one of ftp clients (windows commander f/e) and post a link, nothing easier, I think that wherever you try to get some webspace it will be completly explained how to do this :p
Ok, thnks, i will build something probably on msn groups or something, depends on the webspace they give there.
yeah, but pick taps are different technique and are used to gain special sound and really arent very useful for one tap strike only, notice that joe uses it for a unusuall lick that last for some seconds.... :p

First I remember Ive tried to put a pick in my hand and tap with point finger but then I found it very lame so I tap with middle now, its more usefull, can eb dane faster and all the stuff....