Just saw a family being hit by a car


May 9, 2006
Most horrible scene ever. I was picking my daughter are the school, and suddently heard a car braking noise...the car braked for around 20m, hit the family, braked more 10 meters and stoped. The mother flew 6 feet high and up to the point i went home, was lying at the floor (alive), the grandmother was 3 meters away with a exposed fracture on the leg, and the little kid around 8yo, was probably being carried by the grandma, and just got minor bruises. The car,a Honda Civic, was at around 80km/h on a place that is 30km/h max. I saw everything 5 meters in front of me....terrible, terrible. And this with MANY kids watching. It was one of the worst feelings i ever felt. :ill:
fuck, how's your daughter taking it?
a friend ones told me that someone jumpt in front of a train at the trainstation...ugly as fuck to be witness to such stuff..
She's only 2yo9m so she didnt understand it, but she saw everything and started crying. I am still shocked for seeing the woman being thrown 6 feet in the air and 20 feet away from where she was. My wife works there, so tomorrow she'll have news about it. The children looked to be OK, but the mother looked to be seriously hurt. She was hit in the hips/femur very hard.
That's fucked up. I saw an old man getting hit by a car and going as high as a street lamp... never thought I'd see anything like that in my life... bad times... he survived though
Saw a homeless guy throw himself in front of a bus when i was living in dublin it is quite a disturbing feeling seeing someone get hit by a double decker bus, its also like time slows down as it happens and you see it in slow mo as its happening. Shock lasts a day or two
She's only 2yo9m so she didnt understand it, but she saw everything and started crying. I am still shocked for seeing the woman being thrown 6 feet in the air and 20 feet away from where she was. My wife works there, so tomorrow she'll have news about it. The children looked to be OK, but the mother looked to be seriously hurt. She was hit in the hips/femur very hard.

ah ok, at least...still fucked up though...
In a couple days you'll feel better, something less graphic but similair had happened close to me... first night I had a hard time getting to sleep, second day you'll feel a little better.
Jesus man

back when woolworths was still around here in the good ol' UK, some guy went and commited suicide in our local branch. just walked in, slit his throat and sprayed blood all over the shop and the employees, wasn't there to see it thank fuck, doesn't really bare thinking about
Well, I got some news. The child and the mother are fine, just got some minor bruises, but the elderly woman is not well. Her foot was pulled out of her body and the doctors weren't able to re-fix it, and a vein was severely damaged and her leg was amputed (is that the correct verb?). She is in serious condition in the hospital. She is 78yo and heck...most elderly people just abandon the will to live after such things happens. Hope it is not the case.

The driver was VERY drunk and the police wasnt even going to arrest him. Thankfully, one of the brothers of the school were my wife works is a federal cop (much like FBI) and arrested the guy. He was took to the police office, but his lawyer came in..and well, brazilian laws suck - by now he's probably released and wont face jail time until the day of his judgment, IF it ever happens.

I've seen a lot of stuff in my life...People getting shot 10 meters in front of me, people being hit by cars, some very serious car accidents, but this was the strongest image i've ever seen. I always cross that street to go from the school to a supermarket on the other side of the street and it could be me and my daughter. Hell, 15s later and I'd be in that position.
Fuck drunk drivers.
Let's hope this worthless sack of shit spends some time behind bars