Was just in a car accident (generally not such a great night

Harry Hughes

Apr 25, 2009
Nearly 5am now, just been in a car accident for the first time ever.
Some friends and I were getting a ride home by a friend, just after a party had finished.
Seemed all good until the idiot decided to show off and attempt to drift around the roundabout and lost control of the car, causing it to spin out, and then crashing into a pole with a metal box thingy attached to it, which dragged under the rear of the car after the pole was knocked down.
The car hit the pole only about 30cm/one foot rearwards of the back passenger door. Everyone managed to get out unharmed, apart from me and one other guy being a bit winded. So I guess it wasn't so bad, but even just being involved in something like that really puts it into perspective into how much worse it could have been had he been going faster, or had been drinking (thank fuck, he was sober).
Still kinda letting it all sink in and feeling a bit shaken up by it, but I'm okay and safe.

Also had a friend whom earlier in the night, self harmed herself by using a broken beer bottle to slash herself on both knees. Was not a pretty site.
Gotta love those nights when it's a night to remember because of all the fucked up shit that happened.
before the internet, i wonder what people used to do, after they had an important event in their life.
i loathe people who fail to understand what a SHIT idea it is to drive recklessly when others are in the car that weren't bargaining for that type of thing.
i loathe people who fail to understand what a SHIT idea it is to drive recklessly when others are in the car that weren't bargaining for that type of thing.

Agreed. A couple of years ago two friends of mine got a ride from a dude they knew, and after a couple of minutes of driving he grabbed a bottle of vodka that was half empty and proceeded to drive into a lake on purpose. Gladly nobody got hurt, but people like that deserve to be ass-raped multiple times a day in prison.
Agreed. A couple of years ago two friends of mine got a ride from a dude they knew, and after a couple of minutes of driving he grabbed a bottle of vodka that was half empty and proceeded to drive into a lake on purpose. Gladly nobody got hurt, but people like that deserve to be ass-raped multiple times a day in prison.

damn, wtf.
i loathe people who fail to understand what a SHIT idea it is to drive recklessly when others are in the car that weren't bargaining for that type of thing.

^^^ This ^^^

Way back many many years ago on the night of my High School Graduation I was on my way "to" a party in a friend of a friends truck - you know, one of those seriously lifted trucks with huge wheels, well, while exiting the highway going about 65 MPH he decided to show off and starts swerving back and forth showing how well the truck handles. Needless to say he didn't expect something to go wrong and his front wheel turned completely sideways in the well and caused the truck to flip over head over heals two times.

Aside from a concussion, various scrapes and cuts, and some stitches over my left eye, I was ok, but our friend in the back seat ended up in the hospital for a month and a half with a broken leg, both wrists, and some muscular related back issues. Needless to say my friend was a dick and was trying to get us to tell the cops that an animal ran out in front of the truck, but I was too damned pissed that he had put my life and my friends at risk - my friends parents ended up suing the other kid and it turned into this huge shit storm. He ended up losing his license for a while as well as all the other legal crap.

Lesson - it's not ok to fuck around with other peoples lives.
Been in an accident my self.
First day a friend of mine got their licence(about 30 minutes after intact)
we went up a dirt road cause a friend told her to to do some swively swivel things(dunno ha) and when she tried to do one it was shit, so the other friend of mine(also a girl) wrentched the wheel.
Girl lost control of the car(she was also a SHIT driver, could barely stay on he side of the road)
went over the top of a ditch thing on the side of the road, car nearly flipped, landed right between a tree and a fence(not a huge tree, would have done some damage though)
afterwards I wasn't pissed at all.
I was so stoked i wasn't hurt.
Car was fucked though, couldn't start, silly girl wrote it off the first day she had it ha.

Also to the self harm thing.
I dig parties like that, you know nothing really bad will happen, just some attention whoring teens(atleast for me it is).
Brings the lulz.
Sorry to hear and glad you're all alright!

I don't know what to say about the girl slashing herself. Was/Is she Christian?

Nah, she's one of those scene kid type people that just one day started listening to metal because metal is cool. One of those people that ruin some of your favorite bands for you basically (because of her, I can hardly listen to any thrash metal anymore, because it's all she talks about :erk:
I don't get these people, they go around hating "emos" but the difference between her and an "emo" is the music she listens too.
Otherwise, she is the same kind of attention seeking piece of shit whore, does those annoying angled self shot photos, constantly changes her hair color and goes onto how her particular scene is so cool.

i loathe people who fail to understand what a SHIT idea it is to drive recklessly when others are in the car that weren't bargaining for that type of thing.

Fucking truth.
I barely ever talk to this dude, because he's a general arrogant, egotistical wanker and was just hoping for a ride home, nothing more.
Instead I get him trying to show his "madz skillz" in the car.
That shit generally doesn't end well, but when the road is wet (it had started raining about 20 mins before we got in the car), well, we all know what happens there.
Don't think I'll ever get into a car with him ever again and will be making even more of an effort than I already do to just avoid him in general
Fuck me... how many times can you tell a retard to just STOP being an idiot? Sadly, your mate will probably do the same shit when he gets a new cars, because, "Br000000, the 200sx handles WAY better, seriously, corners at 120kph I swear!"....

Even if it was my closest friend, there'd be a beating ASAP for him. Because NO ONE should fuck with anothers safety, especially when you put your trust in them!

Glad you're ok dude!
Manhug right here for ya ;)
Glad you got out of that one ok, Harry. There's certainly been much greater tragedies on our roads, as I'm sure you're well aware.

This kind of poor driving is a huge epidemic here. When you live in a place that's largely a barren wasteland, inhabited by backwater rednecks you tend to see some fairly fast and loose stuff going on the roads on a regular basis. Almost everybody I know knows somebody who has been injured or died due to an individual showing off on the road. Every single one knows someone who has been in an accident for the same reason.

So you may just want a lift home after a party and risk it just the once, but that's really all it takes. Just one mistake. Doesn't even have to be yours. Getting on the roads here is like playing the lottery, and the cost of losing is a high one.

The girl sounds like a typical metal cunt. I can't stand them to be honest. Damaged, attention-seeking whores who latch onto this music for all the wrong reasons *cue Nickelback*.