We just came home from the Anthrax-Show in Salzburg (Austria)
Heres a short story about the trip and the show.
For those, who hate short stories in bad english heres the summary:
:hotjump: IT WAS GREAT!!!!
To keep the short story long:
We drove 3 hours from Vienna to Salzburg. We did some short sightseeing in Mozarts nice hometown. We visited a Tattoo exhibition in a Museum and a Reptilezoo.
After that, we went to a pub to eat something and drink some beer. Suddenly Halfthrax (without charlie and scott) passed by. At that moment, my girlfriend played with our camera and I told her: Babe, look behind you. Please take a picture!
She thought, I saw a beautiful chick, but as she turned around she recogniced the reason of my open mouth. They came right next to our table and (I wore an Anthrax-Shirt) they saw us. (I hate such situations, because I dont want to disturb them in their free time and I never know what to say) So I just said: cheers my friends
My girlfriend asked them, if she could take a picture:
They looked for a restaurant, so we didnt talk much. (they looked hungry and dangerous ;-)
(I only said cheers, ahh, eh, uh, were waiting for your show tonight, ah, eh uh, cheers guys)
After they were gone, I realised: I had 3 shirts a cd and a marker in my bag (for the case of meeting thrax I could letem sign some stuff) -> doh!
And I recogniced: Shit, Why didnt we take a picture of us both with halfthrax.
Im an idiot. It was the second time I met Anthrax and I did (nearly) everything wrong again.
Well, thank goodness, Im not a girl! I would be a terrible groupie!
The Location: 3 hours later, we went to the rockhouse. A nice location: Great beer and nice girls. We bought some shirts. I would have bought more stuff, but they only had charlies drumsticks and the guitar picks....... They didn't have a girlie shirt for my girlfriend, no shorts, nothing (100 Euro saved) Anthrax NEEDS better merch!
The Show: The first group was an austrian trash metal band called alphawolf. Nice to hear some good old trash. The second band was flying hellfish (also from salzburg) with a singer like mickey mouse on helium. He repeated the name of his band about 1000 times. He was a pain in the neck. The rest of the band was ok. (and don't forget, our name ist blah..)
The sound of both bands was good.
Finally, Anthrax stormed on the stage. It was a fantastic show with only one point of critique (maybe to the rockhouse?): The sound was terrible. But we didnt care, we know all of their songs (but for someone who doesnt, it must have been a wired show) It sounded like back in 1983.
I tried to record the show with my mp3-player to get the setlist, but you can only hear Johns messages, the music is just rschrschrschrsch :-(
Some songs I remember:
-Got the Time
-Safe Home
-What doesnt die
-Bring the Noise
-Whole Lotta Rosie
Well, Im sure they played more, but my brain hurts, cant think after 3 hours driving through the night. Maybe Ill get you the rest tomorrow.
The guys from the rockhouse made some fotos. Ill post the link here, as soon as theyre online.
The gig lasted 1 hour 37 Minutes and the crowd liked it. I saw about 30 stagedivers.
One thing was different from other anthrax gigs Ive seen some years before: There were many young guys there and many young girls between 15 and 18. (the ten years old kid with his dad ruled! the boy wore an Iron Maiden shirt and his dad looked suburban. But daddy finally headbanged at Ac/Dcs Whole Lotta Rosie.
So the young generation isnt lost! So we know, if we cant move our necks anymore and hear only our tinnitus, there are some young guys out there, who keep on banging!
By the way, Scott said: Salzburg is a nice city. But you dont have a McDonalds.
But thats not true. The Anthrax-guys just couldnt find it. Well, WE did:
for real - no wonder, they couldn't find it!
It was a great sweaty evening!
(Sorry for my bad english, its a bit rusted.)
I hope, theyll come back to vienna next time.
It's 5 o'clock in the morning and my bottle of beer is empty, so: cheers2all
Heres a short story about the trip and the show.
For those, who hate short stories in bad english heres the summary:
:hotjump: IT WAS GREAT!!!!

To keep the short story long:
We drove 3 hours from Vienna to Salzburg. We did some short sightseeing in Mozarts nice hometown. We visited a Tattoo exhibition in a Museum and a Reptilezoo.
After that, we went to a pub to eat something and drink some beer. Suddenly Halfthrax (without charlie and scott) passed by. At that moment, my girlfriend played with our camera and I told her: Babe, look behind you. Please take a picture!
She thought, I saw a beautiful chick, but as she turned around she recogniced the reason of my open mouth. They came right next to our table and (I wore an Anthrax-Shirt) they saw us. (I hate such situations, because I dont want to disturb them in their free time and I never know what to say) So I just said: cheers my friends
My girlfriend asked them, if she could take a picture:
They looked for a restaurant, so we didnt talk much. (they looked hungry and dangerous ;-)
(I only said cheers, ahh, eh, uh, were waiting for your show tonight, ah, eh uh, cheers guys)
After they were gone, I realised: I had 3 shirts a cd and a marker in my bag (for the case of meeting thrax I could letem sign some stuff) -> doh!

And I recogniced: Shit, Why didnt we take a picture of us both with halfthrax.
Im an idiot. It was the second time I met Anthrax and I did (nearly) everything wrong again.
Well, thank goodness, Im not a girl! I would be a terrible groupie!

The Location: 3 hours later, we went to the rockhouse. A nice location: Great beer and nice girls. We bought some shirts. I would have bought more stuff, but they only had charlies drumsticks and the guitar picks....... They didn't have a girlie shirt for my girlfriend, no shorts, nothing (100 Euro saved) Anthrax NEEDS better merch!
The Show: The first group was an austrian trash metal band called alphawolf. Nice to hear some good old trash. The second band was flying hellfish (also from salzburg) with a singer like mickey mouse on helium. He repeated the name of his band about 1000 times. He was a pain in the neck. The rest of the band was ok. (and don't forget, our name ist blah..)
The sound of both bands was good.
Finally, Anthrax stormed on the stage. It was a fantastic show with only one point of critique (maybe to the rockhouse?): The sound was terrible. But we didnt care, we know all of their songs (but for someone who doesnt, it must have been a wired show) It sounded like back in 1983.

I tried to record the show with my mp3-player to get the setlist, but you can only hear Johns messages, the music is just rschrschrschrsch :-(
Some songs I remember:
-Got the Time
-Safe Home
-What doesnt die
-Bring the Noise
-Whole Lotta Rosie
Well, Im sure they played more, but my brain hurts, cant think after 3 hours driving through the night. Maybe Ill get you the rest tomorrow.
The guys from the rockhouse made some fotos. Ill post the link here, as soon as theyre online.
The gig lasted 1 hour 37 Minutes and the crowd liked it. I saw about 30 stagedivers.
One thing was different from other anthrax gigs Ive seen some years before: There were many young guys there and many young girls between 15 and 18. (the ten years old kid with his dad ruled! the boy wore an Iron Maiden shirt and his dad looked suburban. But daddy finally headbanged at Ac/Dcs Whole Lotta Rosie.

So the young generation isnt lost! So we know, if we cant move our necks anymore and hear only our tinnitus, there are some young guys out there, who keep on banging!
By the way, Scott said: Salzburg is a nice city. But you dont have a McDonalds.
But thats not true. The Anthrax-guys just couldnt find it. Well, WE did:

It was a great sweaty evening!
(Sorry for my bad english, its a bit rusted.)
I hope, theyll come back to vienna next time.
It's 5 o'clock in the morning and my bottle of beer is empty, so: cheers2all