Just so everyone knows...

It's a Yiddish word. And yea, Marie chatted me up on MSN once, telling me about how much yadda yadda yadda is she blah blah blah.....

Edit: Uber postjumped
I do kinda feel bad for him though...as much of a schmuck as he is. That's the worst feeling in the world.

This, pretty much. I dunno why he made this thread though. Desperate times I guess. I guess he thought he'd somehow get us to think less of her, but he forgot we already think she's a dumb piece of shit so :lol: The thread fails on that level.
I agree, that it was unneccesary to make that thread. But I feel really bad for the guy. That's fucking balls.
This thread is fucking lulz.

Chris....when you return, go find yourself a real girl, not some psycho internet twat.

Dude, it really is the worst feeling in the world, even if she was ugly and a fucking retard and he is guilty of the same I feel bad for him.
That stomach wrenching, nauseating feeling that just won't let up is the absolute fucking worst feeling in the world.