Just some random questions

Super Mahrio

Deeply Horrible Person
Apr 30, 2003
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1. If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?

2. Who is your all time favorite author?

3. What is your favorite Holiday?

4. If you had the chance, would you go to the Bermuda Triangle and why?

5. What country would you live in and why?

6. What would you rather be, a werewolf or a vampire?

7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

8. Would you defile a corpse for a million dollars?

9. Who is cooler, Freddy Kreuger or Jason Vorhees?

10. Did you ever like the band Nirvana, and why?
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1. The founding fathers of the USA. I would like to see what they think of how their grand experiment has turned out.

2. Novelist - Dean Kontz/Jon Grisham Philosophical works - Aristotle

3. Thanksgiving i think (I love food!!!!) or Christmas or the 4th of July (i love fireworks!!). It's hard to decide

4. FUCK YEAH I WOULD. I wanna know what the hell goes on up in there.

5. That's a toughy. Do the Cayman Islands count as a country? I don't know, Spain or Italy I suppose.

6. Werewolf - at least that way i could walk around in the day time and have somewhat of a normal life. Except for on full moons, which are abnormal anyway.

7. A scientist or a vetrinarian

8. NO

9. Scarier - Freddy because he comes after you in your dreams. Cooler - Jason because he looks like a badass

10. Liked Nevermind, had some good songs, but never thought much of the band as a whole.
1. Josef Mengele.

2. Hitler. Mein Kampf!

3. Yom HaAtzmaut

4. Yeah hoping I'd get beamed to the past and end up getting eaten by a dinosaur.

5. The Netherlands. Self explanatory.

6. Werewolf. Vampires dress like pussies.

7. Human Remains Removal Specialist. The guy who gets called out to pick up mangled corpses and shit and drive them to the morgue.

8. I've done it for free.

9. Freddy, hands down.

10. No because they killed glam metal!!!!11!1!!!!
1 myself from the future

2 tom robbins

3 my birthday

4 been there, its boring

5 wherever...

6 zombie

7 the antichrist

8 i don't need a reason to defile a corpse

9 freddy

10 no
Maharet said:

1. If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?

-Maybe Brad Pitt 'cause he's really smart and pretty funny. Also, maybe Dane Cook(comedian).

2. Who is your all time favorite author?

-Chuck Palahniuk, with John Grisham in 2nd place.

3. What is your favorite Holiday?

-Christmas; good food, family, snazzy suit, and free shit $ money(which of course leads to buying stuff).

4. If you had the chance, would you go to the Bermuda Triangle and why?

-No, because I don't care.

5. What country would you live in and why?

-Australia or Canada. I already live in Canada, but i'd love to live in BC. and Australia.....I don't know why really....I just always wanted to go there.

6. What would you rather be, a werewolf or a vampire?

-Vampire, aren't the immortal? Like the tag line to The Lost Boys says: "Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire."

7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

-Fire Fighter, pilot, astronaut...pretty standard shit. Then an architect when I was in grade 7, but I sucked at math and now i'm studying at college to work in the television industry, which is what I currently want to be.

8. Would you defile a corpse for a million dollars?

-What do you mean by "defile" exactly? and probably no.

9. Who is cooler, Freddy Kreuger or Jason Vorhees?

-Jason is WAY cooler. He's just huge crazy monsters who brutally murders ppl with a HUGE machete. Freddy plays stupid games and has lame sharp fingernails.

10. Did you ever like the band Nirvana, and why?

-Yah, and I still do. Why? I don't know, 'cause they don't really blow. They're alright. I don't love 'em, I don't hate 'em.
1. Hmm. Lucifer.

2. Neil Gaiman or Chuck Palahniuk

3. Sam Hain

4. Sure. I'll take any chance for a vacation.

5. Antartica- less people.

6. Werechicken

7. Hugh Hefner.

8. If I have already defiled a corpse, does that mean someone owes me a million dollars?

9. Leatherface

10. I sort of liked Nirvana until everyone in the fuck world did, then I went back to listening to grindcore.
1.Jacke the Ripper./.. I would know who did it :erk:

2.J.R.R. Tolkien


4.Yes, it sounds cool

5.America, I live there now, and like it


7.Never figured that one out til the year before last.

8.Probably not, the dead can do their own thing.


10.Yeah, but it was one of the few things I could handle from the radio.
1. If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?
-warrel-haven't met him yet, dammit
2. Who is your all time favorite author?
J.R.R. tolkien-call me a fanatic but i love his woprk so much i learned his version of the elveish labguage(written only)
3. What is your favorite Holiday?
4. If you had the chance, would you go to the Bermuda Triangle and why?
naaa id get lost
5. What country would you live in and why?
any where in europe, good shows every night, prob the netherlands
6. What would you rather be, a werewolf or a vampire?
vampire-grim and you get bite hot pale chicks on the neck :D
7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
career musician
8. Would you defile a corpse for a million dollars?
hell fn' yeah
9. Who is cooler, Freddy Kreuger or Jason Vorhees?
freddy i guess, don't care much
10. Did you ever like the band Nirvana, and why?
fuck that band, always thought they sucked since the day i heard them
used to thik their bassist was good though, then i found my ear
1. Timothy Leary (does he count as a celeb? he was famous so i dont care if he wasnt)

2. Tolkien

3. I dunno I've never been on holiday

4. No because I'd rather not go missing

5. Sweden because it has a fucking better music scene

6. Werewolf

7. Nothing

8. Yes

9. They are both crap

10. No because their music made my ears sore
irishreaper said:
1.Jacke the Ripper./.. I would know who did it :erk:
It was a painter. Scientist found out who it was. I don't remember his name.

1. Owen Wilson
2. I don't know
3. Tie... Thanksgiving/4th of July.
4. I would go to find the aliens.
5. United States. It's a good place to live.
6. Vampire
7. A monkey(no joke) cause I liked to climb trees and stuff.
8. Have sex with? Is it a hot chick? Maybe.
9. Jason
10. Never
1. Jesus. Or maybe Machiavelli.

2. Neil Gaiman or Stephen King.

3. Yom Hashish...it's an obscure Jewish holiday :D

4. Nah. Lazy.

5. Probably Denmark or Sweden, cause of the good health care, liberal laws, and beer. America's all right when there's a good president in office...well, at least here in SF it's all right.

6. A vampire, so I could score with hot goth chicks.

7. Baseball player or rock musician (even though I barely listened to any music).

8. Depends on the corpse.

9. I'm not a fan of either, but Freddy is hella manipulative and Machiavellian, so he gets my vote.

10. When I was 14 or so, I thought they were cool. Then I actually bought one of their albums, and got sick of it REALLY fast.
1. Jennifer Connelly...especially if she was drunk

2. Thomas Ligotti...beats the crap out of Koontz and King

3. Thanksgiving...the sole purpose, really, is eating

4. See if I could get stuck there (I'm sure there's some pretty cool shit there...why do you think nobody ever returns?)

5. Sweden...or Norway since that's where the good music is, apparently

6. Vampire...they always get the hot chicks

7. Probably something stupid

8. I'd probably do it for $100

9. Neither...they were both hacks

10. *loathes Nirvana*
1. gene simmons. but i already met him.
2. arthur roth
3. halloween
4. nah. i'm not fond of triangles. perhaps if it were a rhombus..
5. ireland. i like leprechauns
6. vampire
7. a member of KISS
8. i'd defile chrome's corpse for free
9. freddy, but of course
10. no. kurt cobain was annoying.
1. If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?

William Blake

2. Who is your all time favorite author?

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

3. What is your favorite Holiday?


4. If you had the chance, would you go to the Bermuda Triangle and why?

only if there were scantily clad chicks

5. What country would you live in and why?

Norway, because I am true and grim... England, actually

6. What would you rather be, a werewolf or a vampire?

vampire, they are cool

7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

FBI agent

8. Would you defile a corpse for a million dollars?

fuck yeah, i'd do it for free

9. Who is cooler, Freddy Kreuger or Jason Vorhees?

Jason... but his mom kicked ass too

10. Did you ever like the band Nirvana, and why?[/QUOTE]
once, long ago; for some reason i though kurt was a good songwriter. sorry. won't happen again.
1) Warrel, because I haven't yet.
2) Neil Gaiman.
3) Halloween, because you get to dress up without getting weird looks, and I'm still young enough to mooch candy from strangers. :D
4) If it were free.
5) Canada, because it's close and it doesn't suck like the US.
6) Vampire, because they're immortal and I don't like sunlight.
7) Probably a musician or a stage actress.
8) No.
9) Freddy.
10) I thought they were okay when I was about 10.
Okay heres mine...

1. If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?
ehh...umm...i think it would be Jesus..id like to tell him what he did and how he ruined the minds of human beings...of course it would make him cry!

2. Who is your all time favorite author?
Anne Rice...of course as of late...

3. What is your favorite Holiday?

4. If you had the chance, would you go to the Bermuda Triangle and why?
YES! Because i have a very interesting theory about that place but thats another thread all together..

5. What country would you live in and why?
Sweden...:D Free health care, good beer, very hot men...rich history...did i mention hot men?

6. What would you rather be, a werewolf or a vampire?
Vampire...they live forever and get more powerful as the years roll on...werewolves eventually die of old age...besides i could destroy all the fuck ups that cross my path...

7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a truck driver...my dad does truck broking and dispatching...i wanted to work with him..

8. Would you defile a corpse for a million dollars?
Probably not...maybe if it were fresh....maybe....

9. Who is cooler, Freddy Kreuger or Jason Vorhees?
I liked Freddy better because he was funnier and he killed people in creative ways...

10. Did you ever like the band Nirvana, and why
Ok...i was a HUGE fan of theirs 10 years ago...i loved em...of course i was really into that grunge thing...was for a long time too...however a friend of mine was a bigger fan and totally ruined em for me...nowadays i can barely listen to them...
Does free health care mean you have to pay every single time you go to the doctor at least 140 kr? Or 240 kr when you go to the gynecologist? Because that's what you do in Sweden. But then if it means that, then it's for free...

1. Douglas Adams, Christopher Walken
2. Hermann Hesse
3. Christmas and the birthdays of my family members
4. Yes, there are only a few places I'm not so keen on visiting
5. Sweden
6. Vampire
7. Doctor
8. I don't think so
9. Freddy
10. God, I hate(d) them!
1. If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?
---Joe Peschi hahaha
2. Who is your all time favorite author?
---Edgar Allan Poe
3. What is your favorite Holiday?
---Halloween. I get to scare the shit out of little kids, and not get yelled at for it.
4. If you had the chance, would you go to the Bermuda Triangle and why?
---Of course, you don't hear of ships disappearing these days. I'd document it to prove to the world it's a fake
5. What country would you live in and why?
---Sweden. All Swedish bands are awesome. Therefore, living there would make me so much better haha
6. What would you rather be, a werewolf or a vampire?
7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
---Professional wrestler
8. Would you defile a corpse for a million dollars?
---Of course
9. Who is cooler, Freddy Kreuger or Jason Vorhees?
---Freddy Keuger
10. Did you ever like the band Nirvana, and why?
---No. Because they suck