Metal questions with some depth


Aug 31, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
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I can dig the questions about favorite bands and favorite albums, but I'm always interested in the people here, so I've got some questions with a little twist to them. And yes, I'll be answering to get it started.

1. Are there any songs out there, metal or otherwise, that are special to you for more than just the fact that they are awesome/heavy/technical brilliant? Music can be a highly emotional thing. For instance, even though I don't listen to glam, I can think of a few songs from the era fondly because that was when I was getting into the fucked up world of dating and they have some rather pleasant memories tied to them. (Kick Start My heart by the Crue and Is This Love by Whitesnake if you were wondering.)

2. Name a band you dislike or even hate, but has a song you like. For me, this is "Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson. I don't actually hate or dislike him at all, but his music was always the blandest mix of goth and metal I'd heard. But I like this song, the lyrics, the rhythms.

3. Has anyone else seen Van Williams in that kilt he wars sometimes?

4. What do you think about the relative popularity of metal now compared to the dark era (at least in the USA) back around 95-97. If you don't think it was dark, keep in mind Metallica's Load came out, Korn was topping the charts, and Iced Earth's "Burnt Offerings" barely sold 5000 copies, Nevermore's S/T sold even less. I love the fact that a band like Nevermore might actually have the chance to make money at music finally, but doesn't it seem like the scene is choking on it's own crap?

5. Some people call the eighties the golden era of metal, specifically the Bay Area thrash explosion. I've even read an article that claimed it began with the release of Ride the Lightning because that's when the thrash scene started getting bigtime exposure. What do you think is the most important era? Formative years, the eighties "golden era," the death metal explosion, the european invasion, black metal scene. Me, I still stand by the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.

If this shit bores you, don't answer. Just some questions in my brain.
Well, as for the emotions, I have to admit that I can't extract those when it comes to music, especially nowadays, when I don't listen to death metal anymore (not that much, it's a by-gone era in my life), because lyrics do a lot for me.... that's why I love Nevermore, among other things... they were not important for the love emotions that much, but in general.... that's why I love "Sorrowed Man", or "Passenger", even My Dying Bride's "Here in the Throat". Lyrics used not to matter, now I'm older...

As for the bands/music I dislike, it's hard to say, as there are many... annoying to me is "Roots bloody roots", it makes me sad after remembering what Sepultura used to be like on "Beneath the Remains", for instance.

I saw him wearing it at a gig in Vienna last year, on March 24th. totally cool. :D

Dark era in general, it seemed to me that it was kinda Medieval Age of metal, meaning, the meaning of metal itself got lost, and lots of things became rock'n'roll metal... and real metal somewhere in the background (not that I have anything against rock'n'roll, I even like the old Rolling Stones). but it did bacome shitty, and what used to be metal lost a lot of itself.

As for the scene at the moment, hard to say... the situation in Europe is different. metal always in... tho, there is too much crap mentioned above. my hit - era was death metal in the early 90's. my life changed, many things in it too... now I'm watching the kids on the streets of Zagreb, and see or black-metal-band's t-shirts, or everybody (age 14-16) wearing Iron Maiden t-shirts..... I definetily got lost on the way........... life goes on....strange thing...

sorry if I missed something....
hmmm... start a new thread with that title. many would want to expose their opinion. :yow:

(was that more for me, cuz I always say: man, that's not metal!... :err: )
1. To me there are many songs of that kind you mention. "Forever" for instance is not metal, not technical, nothing difficult to play etc... Yet it gets me every single time i listen to it. ;)

2. Motorhead, but "killed by death" is awesome tune. :)

3. No.

4. We have to differentiate between popularity and artistic value/quality. I think metal's popularity is evolving according to the growth of music industry. We cant disregard the fact that the musicians have now more chances of musical education. This makes it easier for them to explore more musical horizons than the ones before them had. For instance Nevermore are by far more technical than Sanctuary. I think that this is a natural consequence of the growth of metal's popularity. Of course this draws all the negative points of music industry within metal. DHIADW is by far less interesting than Poe IMHO, still it has sold many more copies, if i am not mistaken. (correct me if i am) Hmmm... Dunno... Money is no1 factor for any artist, lets face it. Of any kind... Metal artists aren't excluded. (except Fates Warning :D ). THey are just ppl that have an initial love for metal, a certain know-how-to and go for their big chance to make money. And b deified by young ppl all arround the world. ;)

5. I think that 80's is the fountain for what we call now metal, as defined by anyone. Back then, linking to my previous paragraph, there weren't much opportunities, the musicians didn't have so many resources, yet they had an unexplored road ahead of them. And the opportunity to make money, of course. ;) Inspired by the 70's of course and groups like Rainbow, Rush, Uriah heep, still they created something totally new. Metal. 80's were the era of the genesis, yet, each era has each own great role in this ongoing process of metal. Even the dark age, as you name it, had its role, for the regeneration of metal. Still i will stand by mid 80's-early 90's the era when most of my favorite bands came from. ;)

Cool shit. Not boring and thought provoking. At least for me. Always glad to discuss shit like that. ;) :D
Originally posted by Tee
hmmm... start a new thread with that title. many would want to expose their opinion. :yow:

(was that more for me, cuz I always say: man, that's not metal!... :err: )
(yes it was more for you, but it is a metal question with depth as well. :D :loco: )
Originally posted by metalized
(yes it was more for you, but it is a metal question with depth as well. :D :loco: )

I have damaged hearing (left ear)-death metal and all, but if I'm not wrong, there is something wrong with your eyes.... :p :D )
Originally posted by Tee

I have damaged hearing (left ear)-death metal and all, but if I'm not wrong, there is something wrong with your eyes.... :p :D )
Yes i know, i have to go c the opthalmologist. :lol: But why would you say such a thing? Did you spot anything? :err: :eek: :cry:

Originally posted by Jimbo

1. Are there any songs out there, metal or otherwise, that are special to you for more than just the fact that they are awesome/heavy/technical brilliant? Music can be a highly emotional thing. For instance, even though I don't listen to glam, I can think of a few songs from the era fondly because that was when I was getting into the fucked up world of dating and they have some rather pleasant memories tied to them. (Kick Start My heart by the Crue and Is This Love by Whitesnake if you were wondering.)

Ozzy's No More Tears and Dreaming Neon Black (song)

2. Name a band you dislike or even hate, but has a song you like. For me, this is "Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson. I don't actually hate or dislike him at all, but his music was always the blandest mix of goth and metal I'd heard. But I like this song, the lyrics, the rhythms.

Disturbed's The Game

3. Has anyone else seen Van Williams in that kilt he wars sometimes?

i think i saw that once or twice :lol:

4. What do you think about the relative popularity of metal now compared to the dark era (at least in the USA) back around 95-97. If you don't think it was dark, keep in mind Metallica's Load came out, Korn was topping the charts, and Iced Earth's "Burnt Offerings" barely sold 5000 copies, Nevermore's S/T sold even less. I love the fact that a band like Nevermore might actually have the chance to make money at music finally, but doesn't it seem like the scene is choking on it's own crap?

i feel that the popularity metal's getting (with the Slipknot, Drowning Pool, etc) will hurt real metal NOW... but in the long run, as people experiment with different bands, they'll 'discover' bands that are better than the bands they were listening to before, and forget about those bands...

5. Some people call the eighties the golden era of metal, specifically the Bay Area thrash explosion. I've even read an article that claimed it began with the release of Ride the Lightning because that's when the thrash scene started getting bigtime exposure. What do you think is the most important era? Formative years, the eighties "golden era," the death metal explosion, the european invasion, black metal scene. Me, I still stand by the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.

the era doesnt matter as much as the bands do, there WERE some shitty bands coming out of eras, so for the most part, the era's had their ups and downs, i dont pay much attention to the era names
1)theres lots, but ive always liked pennywise's lyrics. i prefer metal, but i do kind of have a punk attitude/political feelings. and there are tons of lines/verses in songs that mean somthing to me by bands of all sorts.

2)say it aint so by weezer. i fucking hate weezer but ive heard that song so many times that i kinda like it.

3)sure havent.

4)i was a little bit into some of the nu-metal shit when it was first starting out. i was more into punk and metallica, but i liked some korn and deftones and limp bizkit. ironicaly enough right when they started to get popular i started getting into real metal. just a funny coincidence.

5)well my 4 favorite cds of all time:
at the gates- slaughter of the soul........(1995)
in flmaes- the jester race.................(1995)
nevermore- politics of ecstacy.............(1996)
arch enemy- black earth....................(1996)
you be the judge of my favorite time period hehe.
1. Overkill's album WFO was one I listened to repeatedly when I was reading novels over the summer between my junior and senior years in high school. I always remember those times when I hear that disc. Flotsam and Jetsam's Drift I listened to frequently during my first (and only) year of College, so I similarly associate it with those times. Those are the best examples I have of that.

2. Freak on a Leash by Korn. It ain't my favorite song, but I kinda like it. Never liked any of their other stuff I heard.

3. nope, can't say that I have

4. I think that the internet has been the greatest tool that real music has had, ever. I don't know that metal is necessarily more popular now than it was in 95, but at least the metalheads have gathered and organized somewhat, making it seem that way.

5. I got into it in '88, so of course I have fond memories of the time period (1990 is quite possibly my favorite overall year for metal). The last few years has seen metal become more diverse than ever before, and I actually think '99 to now is the best era metal has ever seen.
Originally posted by neal

2)say it aint so by weezer. i fucking hate weezer but ive heard that song so many times that i kinda like it.

In the Garage rules, but My name is Jonas is not that bad either. :D
1 - I have an extreme fondness for Peter Gabriel's So. First tape I ever purchased and also the song "In your Eyes" was the song from my recent wedding.

2 - ....... Umm can't think of 1 at the moment

3 - Nope

4 - I think that bands like Mudvayne and Slipknot are adding to the scene. Maybe not musically or to the already heavy based scene but opening doors for heavier music in a main stream type of thing.

5 - I love the mid 90's. I seems that the melodies of the latter 80's combined with the crunch of the modern sound just hits my happy spot.
