Odd questions about sex

"I heard Coka Cola has a material inside that can kill the sperm. In that case: can I sleep with my gf without a condom and then let her chug Coke?"

"how about Pepsi?"
One time my friend's girlfriend was mad because he dripped on her a bit and was scared she was gonna get pregnant. He bought her a can of Coke, told her to shake it up, bust it open, and shove it up her twat. I laughed.
"If I want to do it in the forest with my gf, would you recomand me to rub mosquito repellent on my ....?"

"I heard Coka Cola has a material inside that can kill the sperm. In that case: can I sleep with my gf without a condom and then let her chug Coke?"

"how about Pepsi?"

How about the "un-cola"?
..kind of wondering about Jolt cola now...hmmmm
Why do people announce celibacy? How can you live without such a wonderful, natural thing? Are they really just gay and can't admit it?
Most of the fags I know don't like it and like the companionship only. The younger ones seem to like taking it up the ass though, they yak about it enough. Maybe LRD should get in contact with some.
wow, this is unexpected from you. good on ya. :kickass:

haha, why ?
I have many layers and many sides :heh:


"Dear teacher, do you support the wax movement?"

"My bf really likes to do it in public. One time we did it in a restaurant's coat room, and while we were doing the "horizontal lambada" I reached in one of the jacket's pockets and found $50. Does the rule of "finders keepers" apply here?"

"and the fact that I actually reached into a pocket while doing that, does that mean the sex was boring?"

"Why do boys name their penises? Is it because it has a separate brain and personality? wait.. don't answer that one"
If you have sex in a forest and there is nobody around to hear the moaning, did you make a sound?

I assume this is sex with either a deaf girl or with one's self?


"Is it safe to go down on a girl after auto-fellating yourself?"

"When is the correct time on a first date to bring out the gimp?"

"What is the proper etiquette with regards to donkey punching?"
He should just ask the teacher to seperate the define the difference between kinky and perverted.

The answer is summed up thusly: Kinky is using a goose feather. Perverted is using the whole goose.
The difference between balls and guts:

Balls is when you come home at 2 in the morning, reeking of women's perfume and covered in makeup. When your wife approaches you, you slap her on the ass and say "you're next".

Guts is when you come home at 2 in the morning, reeking of women's perfume and covered in makeup. When your wife approaches you and hits you with a broom, you say "were you cleaning the house or did you go for an evening flight?".