Thinking about moving to Seattle ... Got some questions....

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Ahh yeah, I go to Beth's quite a bit. Well, actually Duck Island, the bar next door... but you can order food from Beth's and they'll bring it to you in the bar.
Fuck me, seriously? I went to Beth's the night before I turned 21 - if I'd known we woulda waited a night. Well, next time.

Beth's has a 12 egg omelette. I'll never accomplish that feat.
Funny story about that there's about nine of us there, and we all badger my friend Marc into ordering a 12-egg. We're sitting there and the waitress brings a couple at the next table this huge omelette, takes up the whole plate. We're all looking at it, going "Oh shit, Marc, what did you get yourself into? Why did you order that 12-egg?"

Then the guy looks up and goes "Uh, this is actually the 6-egg."

The look of despair on Marc's face was absolutely priceless. I think he ended up finishing a little over half of it before giving in.

Anyway, I think the Seattle Neverboarders need to meet up sometime soon. Maybe at Beth's or DI, in fact.

Don't let degrees fool you. Just cause you have book larnin don't mean yer smrt.

I agree w/Nightshade on the glitter helmet special part of the driving. But it's my theory that Seattlites (especially transplants from CA - yes I went there) can't drive in weather. Any weather. They get depressed when it's cloudy so they drive badly. They panic in snow and downpours as it's not the norm. And forget driving when it's sunny. It's just the same as rubbernecking an accident: everyone must stare at the strange glowy orb in the sky.

Despite that, I've been here for 14 years and still like it. If you look around you can find good deals on apts. I live in lower queen anne (close in to downtown) and have a 1 bedroom with a diningroom, storage and offstreet parking for $750.

I work in a tech company and it seems, right now, that the business is doing well. Lots of places are hiring.

As for teh metal scene, it's much better than in the midwest where I went to college. We have several bars that do shows but the underage scene does suck.

Word to Seattlites: lots of touring bands LOVE the 5 Point Cafe. Seriously. Hang out there. You'll meet people.
I agree w/Nightshade on the glitter helmet special part of the driving. But it's my theory that Seattlites (especially transplants from CA - yes I went there) can't drive in weather. Any weather. They get depressed when it's cloudy so they drive badly. They panic in snow and downpours as it's not the norm. And forget driving when it's sunny. It's just the same as rubbernecking an accident: everyone must stare at the strange glowy orb in the sky.
Heh! That's very similar to my theory. I always felt that the CA transplants can't drive in the rain, and the natives smash into them in frustration causing a bigger mess. The natives stare at the bright thing when it's out until our retinas are medium rare, and the CA transplants smash into us in frustration causing a bigger mess. NOBODY can drive in the snow, causing a sort of keystone Cops/Bumper-car type free for all, with about 200 AK or Eastern WA transplants figureskating around the rest of us nutjobs and everyone else with snow experience hiding in their homes in fear of us, not the weather. The only time traffic is moderately OK is in the gloom, and that's just 'cause people are too depressed to try anything fancy or even notice how slow we're going. Except of course in Ballard. All bets are off in Ballard. *grin* Goddess I love this city!
Fuck me, seriously? I went to Beth's the night before I turned 21 - if I'd known we woulda waited a night. Well, next time.

Funny story about that there's about nine of us there, and we all badger my friend Marc into ordering a 12-egg. We're sitting there and the waitress brings a couple at the next table this huge omelette, takes up the whole plate. We're all looking at it, going "Oh shit, Marc, what did you get yourself into? Why did you order that 12-egg?"

Then the guy looks up and goes "Uh, this is actually the 6-egg."

The look of despair on Marc's face was absolutely priceless. I think he ended up finishing a little over half of it before giving in.

Anyway, I think the Seattle Neverboarders need to meet up sometime soon. Maybe at Beth's or DI, in fact.

Yeah those omelettes are monstrous, and they deceivingly disguise a bed of hash browns underneath them too. I love driving the fork all the way through the omelette and deep into the hash browns for a mouth orgasm of amazing omelette flavor! To be honest, I don't think I've ever even finished a 6-egg. Trying the 12-egg would only be a waste of money heh.

I also recommend the Breakfast Burger. Mmmmmm... badass cheeseburger with a fried egg, delicious! Plus, Duck Island has a ton of awesome beer and a cool jukebox.

Reuben do you have a skateboard or a bike or anything? Pretty much every evening this summer I've been shredding my longboard around Greenlake and sometimes I hit DI for some beers afterwards. Good times.
I'll still never try the 12 egg. Although a sixer with bacon and mushrooms sounds grand right now.
Kevin, didn't you tell me you'll take me to Patty's?

what's Beth's? :Smug:
Yes! That place has the best omelettes ever!

Beth's is a restaurant by Green Lake that's open 24 hours. It's claim to fame is all the crazy art on the walls and the huge omelettes. Each table has blank paper and crayons and people make drawings and hang them on the wall. The whole place is covered with crayon art from customers. Duck Island (named after an island in Green Lake) is the bar right next door to Beth's. You can order food from Beth's at Duck Island and then you can drink and eat. They don't serve alcohol at Beth's.

It's a good hang out joint. My only complain about Beth's is that it's way too bright inside. I usually just go to DI and order food.
OK but if you think that's cool then (.... I almost don't want to mention this place online to keep it a secret) I'm gonna take you to The Hideout too. This place is just a cool bar that's really dark inside and has actual art and paintings on the wall from customers that they sell. We're talking professional quality paintings here. They also have blank paper and pencils and pens for drawing. The bar puts out a zine every couple of months that features some of the better drawings and sketches from customers. That place is all about art. When one of the paintings on the walls sells, it's replaced with another one at the end of the month.

Plus the bartenders rule and the drinks are stiff :)
7/8 of the drivers in Seattle are pants-on-head retarded.

Metal scene isn't fantastic, I can personally say in the Graham/Puyallup area there are a ton of gifted guitarists and bassists, not so sure about drummers. I know a few good vocalists, but the majority are crap.

Don't know anything about the tech industry, refer to other posts.

Not really any places to avoid, just from what I've heard be "cautious" in Tacoma.

Edit: As someone has mentioned before, housing cost differs from place to place. Generally the less populated the city, the cheaper the house.