Just started PRE-Production


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys!

My band just started pre production for our Debut album, and I just wanted to get some tips on the benefits of the whole situation.

So far, we've decided to do it so that we can obviously look over/ listen to our songs and really nut out or put in anything we never really thought about earlier.

We've done a few songs so far and have already found ourselves editing some songs to their benefit. Is this essentially the way it goes, as I've never done it before.

Is there anything else that's beneficial that we should be trying or looking out for whilst doing all of this?

Chris (And Orpheus too haha)
That's all there is to it. Record your songs as they are, and then just repeatedly listen over to them, trying to find alterations that may benefit the music. This might range from shortening songs, to adding layers, to even removing layers, changing tempos, kicking members out of the band (my favourite :lol:) etc.

Just do it as it feels naturally, and remember to consult your producer figure once it's all settled to see if they can help you out at all ;)
Glad we are on the right track then. We've already found some OHH gotta change that stuff and then sitting back oggle at our greatness lol, so I think it's working out well!

As yeah when it's all done, we'll have to get the A O K from our producer ;)

I here the guys a genius from all the hype and whatnot!*

*And no it's not Joey lol*
Haha, well without the in joke it's a little hard, ermin will be engineer and producer if all goes to plan, which by now it is haha! We really look forward to working with him on this as by now after many annoying rants of mine I'm sure, he knows exactly what we want out of this! It's an honour to work with him!

Oh and yes, ke$ha will be doing backing growls on track 3 while attack attack make a guest appearance also appearing in a cameo under my shoe muhahaha! Don't ask... :s
Yup... record songs as they are, analyze, change, reanalyze, change, etc...

What will reeeeally help during the actual recording process, as well, is to set up your tempo changes, put markers on the track to label each section, and do not only scratch guitars for the drummer to record to, but let the vocalist take a single pass through the songs with a 58 or something. It's amazing how much having those guide vocals can help down the road.
Cheers guys! Never thought of keeping them for when recording properly! Will now keep that in mind!

The tempo bits are the stuff we are considering at the moment too, where to jump up and down a few bpm etc :)
