Just when I had convinced myself that there was no shame in owning the GOOD Metallica


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May 2, 2002
Pasadena, TX
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I've got nothing against Meshuggah, just see if you can spot any interesting comments made by THE AUTHORITY on Metal.

METALLICA's KIRK HAMMETT: 'MESHUGGAH Is Brilliant' - Oct. 30, 2002

METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett has been singing the praises of Sweden's MESHUGGAH, calling the band's music "really fucking interesting."

“You know, I think MESHUGGAH is brilliant," Hammett said in a recent interview. "A lot of that extreme stuff doesn't make much sense to me, but when I heard MESHUGGAH, and everybody was talking about them at Ozzfest, I just sort of... I just respect it a lot. That type of stuff, it's not something that I listen to on a daily basis but it's interesting to me. And there's not a lot of metal stuff that is that interesting. But like MESHUGGAH, that's really fucking interesting. You sit there and say, how does he actually play that on drums? And then you start getting into like, well, does he actually play that on drums (laughs)? But it sits in a very different place compared to anything else I've heard."
It’s a shame someone who has influenced many in the metal ‘scene’ knows so little about it.
I don't hate them, but they're certainly nothing special. I own 2 of their cd's, but haven't listened to either in a long time. Kirk sure did sound ignorant in the quoted section in this thread, oh my fuckis.
I just can't get over the fact that Meshuggah sounds like nu-metal. In 13/8...
Originally posted by Thunderbolt of Ba'al
There's something inherently hilarious (in an ironic sort of way) about a man whose s/n ends in "88" and whose sig quote reads "Avoid extremes."
So true...

[sarcastic]And it's always so lovely to read threads that mock bands...[/sarcastic]
Ah. Meshuggah, the latest band that noone had hardly heard of ages ago, then get a big tour on ozzfest and everyone turns against. When Destroy Erase Improve came out there was very little like it, in fact, it confused the hell out of me, and this was years and years and years ago. Like it now, but back then it was something new.

The whole thing about the kirk hammet thing is that he has shown himself to be dumb and completely useless at saying anything, i mean, read it again, apart from saying it's interesting and the drums are weird, what else does he say? Nothing.
Metallica are a bunch of fucking idiots. They're like politicians, they wouldn't have a fucking clue what was going on or be able to tie their own shoe laces if they didn't have their advisors/managers. Blame it on the fucked up bus driver who crashed their tour bus in Denmark 1986 and killed Cliff. Since that, Metallica have been dead in my ears.

Originally posted by Izual
Metallica are a bunch of fucking idiots. They're like politicians, they wouldn't have a fucking clue what was going on or be able to tie their own shoe laces if they didn't have their advisors/managers. Blame it on the fucked up bus driver who crashed their tour bus in Denmark 1986 and killed Cliff. Since that, Metallica have been dead in my ears.


:rolleyes: Cliff died in Sweden... But I see nothing wrong in Metallica. What the hell have they done where they needed advisors/managers? Speaking of normal things... OK, they propably can't arrange a concert/a tour by them selves, but hey, who can? And why should they? Metallica has done music that rocks and IMHO they do what they like, not what other people like... It's funny when it goes like this:
Independent bands do things they want and it's fucking awesome and bands that are on top do things they themselves like and they're sellouts? WAKE UP people... :)
And Meshuggah... If Kirk has found Meshuggah through Ozzfest, who cares? Meshuggah is really an awesome band. You people here start twisting those words and think you're better than him just because you have heard (of) Meshuggah before Kirk... :confused:
Oh, fuck...
You sit there and say, how does he actually play that on drums? And then you start getting into like, well, does he actually play that on drums (laughs)?
so, let me get this straight lars...you wonder how he can play it on drums...and then wonder if he plays it on drums?

well, lars, your right, he plays that on his buttcheeks.
They are dead to you, that's fine, I have nothing against that, but when people flame others, being that a band or another individual, anonymously in Internet without a good reason or what they think as a good reason is just ridiculous...
There is only one reason why I now doslike meshuggah.. and that's because their last album did not sound good to me. I did not enjoy it one bit... and hencely lost interest in the band.. However, good for them, they are getting some recognition, even if it is recognition by a blubbering redneck faggot mp3 nazi FUCKTARD.