Just wrote, recorded and mixed a new song in 3.5 hours - feedback wanted!


OneMetal.com Music Editor
This is the first time I've actually managed to write something that resembles a full-length, honest-to-Goat, beginning-middle-and-end song rather than just three riffs bundled together and then meh. It lacks vocals and lead guitar, and will continue to until I manage to get a band together, since I can competently perform neither. In fact, the rhythm guitar and bass playing in these is fairly shitty, but I'll probably re-record later in the week - I was just trying to get everything down before I forgot it.


I'd be interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this one!
Most definitely, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm after - cheers Erik! I totally agree with pretty much everything you said - which is weird, because I'm fairly proud of this! It's entirely possible the bass goes out of key during the main riff - I have little (read: no) knowledge of music theory, so I pretty much put everything together by ear.

Completely with you on the need for lead guitar and vocals as well - I might try and get hold of a mic from somewhere and try out some vocals myself - it'd probably turn out shitty, but what the hell. As for lead, not much chance of that unless I kidnap an actual decent guitarist and get them to do solos and stuff for me (in my head, I hear a blistering solo over the 'Paradise Lost' riff).

I got a bit stuck with the non-existent transition - one thing I didn't realise about LeafDrums is that you've got a limited number of bars to play with - I hit 165 bars and couldn't program any more. I actually had to copy and paste the last eight bars of drums from earlier in the track to make the thing long enough for that fadeout... I might be able to edit some different stuff in later, but it's too much hassle right now. :)

Any ideas how I might make the 'intensity-building' bit sound less forced?
Ok, I listened to it. Bear in mind I also have no knowledge of music theory and play no instruments so I probably won't be able to offer much.

But anyway, it was pretty cool. It did feel like you did one thing then repeated that for 30 seconds...played another riff, then repeated that one for 30 seconds, and so on throughout the song. Now, I really like repetition when used effectively (depressive black metal bands, like Abyssic Hate for instance) but this sounded more like it was done because you ran out of ideas, rather than for effect. This might have been more apparent though because of the lack of vocals, which isn't you fault.

But it was good and I'd be happy if I could do stuff like that :)
Thanks Doom, honesty much appreciated! I'll be going back to this track and adding stuff to it over the coming weeks (hopefully) - you're right though, I only had a couple of ideas at the time and wanted to get them down quickly. Fingers crossed, I'll be able to add some breaks and bridges that will make things somewhat more interesting - I kinda rushed recording this one so as to get it all down before I forgot everything!