Justin Bieber Shot & Killed

actually he seems to be a cool guy, at least...look at this commercial...at the end, so funny :lol:

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lol @ everyone that wants to see justin bieber be killed?

what the fuck is wrong with you people? there are far worse people in the world that actually do deserve to die.

kid's the man. 16, rich as fuck, banging a ridiculously hot girl. everyone is jealous of him.
[UEAK]Clowd;9685285 said:
lol @ everyone that wants to see justin bieber be killed?

what the fuck is wrong with you people? there are far worse people in the world that actually do deserve to die.

kid's the man. 16, rich as fuck, banging a ridiculously hot girl. everyone is jealous of him.

The reason I'd love to see him dead is to get Selena Gomez lol. Would prolly never happen tho (the latter).
I really don't understand all the Bieber hate. This guy was 13 years old when he got the big contract, ever since he's been a rising star.
We all think it's fun and all, but I think he will run into bigger problems growing up than we do. Money doesn't make you happy, makes life maybe a bit easier tho. Fame doesn't make you happy, it's easier to destroy your life.
The guy is now 16 (right?), so he's getting to the age he wishes to try some alcohol, maybe try and smoke some weed, or light up a cigarette.
Whenever we drink around that age, we're justing being experimental. Whenever he's caught on camera just trying 1 sip of alcohol, he'll be portrayed as an alcoholic to the millions of people that follow him. As a teenager you occassionally wish and want privacy, because, well that's what teens want and do. This guy can't go anywhere, because he'll be followed everywhere.

I think there are enough examples of young teenage stars ending up fucked up because of not having lifed the life of freedom but where just took on te rollercoaster of horror because parents, the label or whatever pushed them to. I think it's just sad that millions of people react so extreme to the fact that you change your hair!

BTW. When I checked out his girlfriend and when I checked the pics I immediatelly was disgusted, not because she looked bad, but I was worked up cause all you guys said she's hot. Then I noticed she is 18 years old, which would make me feel a pedophile if I actually would liked here. Guess she's nice for her age, but to young for me to properly judge on this.
Pedophile? She isn't a child. Whatever . . .

About the video, I didn't notice the title of the vid at first. I so thought he was going to reach in the van and pull out a daisy, then toss it with a limp wrist. :loco:

I don't want him dead, I want him to STFU. :heh:
Never understood the obsession of people on the internet to hate Justin Bieber. I visit the funny pictures site www.eatliver.com and I can´t recall I single week that didn´t had at least one picture about him. I´ve yet to see a single Bieber fan, but I see haters everywhere. I´m not saying that his music is good, but I don´t get what makes it so different from the other crap kids listen like Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana. Personally I´m much more annoyed by the stuff that I think it´s utter shit but everyone praises like their new god, like Bjork, Bob Marley and Velvet Underground.
Bjork kicks ass! You're probably just in your teens and listen to crabcore. :lol:

Joking aside, I get bombarded with Bieber music often. If you're around a lot of little kids in America (in my case family) you're likely to hear his stuff often. Even when the radio is off. They sing it all day! Specially little girls. Drives me nuts. :loco:
Today is actually his birthday. So, he's now 17. Just found that out when googling to see what his girlfriend looks like.

She actually looks pretty damn young still for being 18. Definitely still has a baby face...
THe SECOND I saw this on tv.. I thought ''there's gonna be a whole thread about it at the forum'' :lol:

Fuck judeo-christian Hollywood
Anyone hating on this kid can't be more than 18 years old. Seriously....