Justin Bieber Shot & Killed

Holy crap, that can't be serious, that's like something out of a Leslie Nielsen (RIP) movie :lol:

Dude, i totally agree.
When I hear people say things like "OH FUCK I LOVE GODDAMN CSI.", I just want to fuck their faces with a knife. There are so many SHIT television shows I can't stand it when people get caught up in it.

If you want people to believe in some bullshit, just make a TV show. Now it's harder to get laid via craigslist because there is a fucking RapeTV (Lifetime) movie titled "The Craigslist Killer" - yeah it's based on a true story, but you can get killed anywhere anytime, that doesn't make you more likely to die from a sweet casual encounter. damn.'

Why is there not more TV shows about not being a pussy and getting out there and doing shit instead of getting paranoid about every aspect of life via bad TV. There was a fucking report on the local news about how daylight savings could be bad for your health or some shit. I lol'd.